Wednesday, November 30, 2011

25 Days of Christmas Linky Party

Welcome to "Pick-A-Theme" Thursday Linky Party!!!

This weeks theme is....

25 Days of Christmas

Show us all your crafts, decor, gifts and anything that you are doing to get ready for Christmas...

Remember... We only have 25 Days!!!!

I would like to give a BIG "THANKS" to all that linked up to the "Anything Goes" party last week...

You guys ROCK!!!!

This weeks Linky Queen is MY from SPACE 46

She created this adorable snowflake banner...CRAZY love it!!

Don't you???

When you get a chance hop on over to her fabulous blog and tell her

 Denyse @ Crazy Beautiful Life sent you.... ;-)

Now let's get the party started...

Don't forget to grab the party button and bring some friends...

Let's PARTY!!!

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Anything Goes Linky Party...

My linky parties are suppose to be on Thursdays...Darn Holiday got in my way...or my days are way off...

I vote my days are off ;-)

Last weeks linky Queen...
This beautiful table setting from Fabiana over at Ciao Newport Beach ...

Ciao Newport Beach

When you get a chance hop on over to here fabulous blog and tell her
 Denyse @ Crazy Beautiful Life sent you.... ;-)

So now to get me back on track I'm having the


linky party today and then I will be on track for next week (let's hope)
This weeks theme "ANYTHING GOES" link up what you got!!!

Just one small request follow the short list of rules and add my "Pick-A-Theme Thursday" button somewhere on your blog...The more that party the more fun we have!!!


A few things you should know BEFORE linking up:

  • This weeks Party is "ANYTHING GOES"...Link What you would like...
  • Post "Pick a Theme"  button (located on the left sidebar) under your post or somewhere on your blog so that others can find the party and join in.
  • Please link directly to your post, not your blog.

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

I Am Thankful For...

Thanksgiving is a time for us to forget all the frustration and disappointments in our world… It is our time to think of family and loved ones….It is a time to reflect on the things we are thankful for…Thanksgiving is a good time to reflect on how lucky we are to have what we have in our lives…

I am having a really bad year and it has been hard to reflect on the positive things in my live…I do try though!!! When things are rough, we tend to dwell on the entire negative and less on the positive…But, No matter how good or bad you think life is…wake up each day and be thankful for life…Someone somewhere else is fighting to survive!!!

So, for today I am going to focus on the things…

My Husband: I am thankful for a supportive…loving and handsome husband who I can always count on to be there for me…Good times or bad!!!

My Kids: I am thankful for the joy and laughter they bring to my life…They are amazing and make my life complete!!!
My Parents: I am thankful I have two wonderful parents that have provided me with a wonderful home… and guidance throughout life… They taught me to be a strong independent person and to be thankful for what I have…

 My Girlfriends: I am thankful for the friends in my life who continue to inspire me daily… I love that I am able to have get-togethers and laugh with them until our tummies hurt or someone passes out…LOL

I couldn't have said it better...LOL!!!!!

Beautiful weather: Our weather has been gorgeous here in NC with warm weather and beautiful luminous leaves…I am thankful we will continue to have amazing weather for the Thanksgiving weekend…

How can you not love the Carolina blue sky???

My Home: I am thankful to have a home that is filled with love & memories…I strive to make my home a warm place to come home to and provide a loving environment for all the family & friends that enter…

My Blogging Family:  I am also thankful for my blogging family…Blogging has brought me great joy and I have met so many wonderful people...
(even if it is virtually)
I owe a “Big Thanks” to a very dear friend who got me started…
Thanks, Roberta!!!

And of course, I am thankful for the turkey I will be eating this weekend!!! 
Gobble Gobble!!!

HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO all my LOVED ones, my friends, and their families!!! This Thanksgiving give thanks to those you hold close to your heart and remember those that are no longer with us…And, as you sit at the table this Thanksgiving remember to give thanks to the United States Military, with a special thanks to their families!!!

Many Blessings to All!!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Myth of the Sock Curls

I don't usually believe something works until I try it...or unless I know you and you have tried it...

WELL...the new hair craze is sock curls...And seeing how I love to try different things to my hair except cut it...and curling it can be a pain because it is so long...I thought I would check more into this GREAT new way to curl your hair....And look at all the beautiful pics of hair that has been supposedly curled with socks...

Aren't they beautiful??? Why wouldn't anyone with long hair NOT want to do this???

I know I do...I have really long hair...SEE...

It would look great with nice lose curls...but before I take you on my sock curls are a few of my most recent hairstyles...Not much you can do with long hair...

My new fringe (bangs)

Some Pink for Breast Cancer Month (October)

My new dark do for the winter

I'm sure you get the idea of how much I love to do my hair...

Here's the TRUTH about sock curls!!!!

They work for (plug your ears) shit!!!!

Yep!! I just cussed on my blog...but you know it's irritating when you see something that is all over the internet and all over PINTEREST...You would think it works...

Well I'm here to tell you it DOES NOT!!!

I've done the sock bun...

I've done the head band...

I've even done the sock rolls...

I can assure you that I did not get any of these...

But, I did get this and before I show you...let me warn you...


Are you ready???





What on God's green earth am I suppose to do with this...I look like BOZO the clown and I have a 1/2 hour to do my make-up and tame this hair down...

Note to self: NEVER EVER do this again!!!

I wanted curls I sure as crap got them....and I do not have the time to wash...dry and style my I pulled out my spray bottle and sprayed water on it and just combed until the curls started to relax...

This is much better...

I learned a lesson here...

1) Do not try something new on a work/school night
2) Do not believe everything you see online
3) If it looks to good to be true it probably is


4) Forget curling my hair with socks....LOL


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Great Pinterest Finds - LINK PARTY

I'm a slacker I know...Sometimes life just gets in the way...

Let's get back to partying...

This weeks theme "GREAT PINTEREST FINDS"...
Here are a few of the great ideas I have found on Pinterest....

I love the shelf unit behind the tub and the coziness of this bathroom...

Cute decor idea for a chair...
Source: via Denyse on Pinterest

This is from my "Dream" board...Love it!!!

This is an adorable Fall idea for the entrance of your home.... 

Oh and the cute fashion ideas I find...I love this casual look...

A great idea for the home if you have an enclosed porch... I can sooo see myself on that rocking bed...

If your looking for a decorating idea for a foyer...Pinterest is a great place to look...
This is one of my favs...
Source: via Denyse on Pinterest

If you like the look of Vintage here is a beautiful idea by " Centsational Girl"... 

I found this adorable idea for an anniversary...If I wasn't allergic to latex I would so do this...
I still may (someone will have to get the balloons for me..LOL) 

And, How about these "HYSTERICAL" quotes you can find...
Oh I laughed so hard at this one...

Source: via Denyse on Pinterest

As a hairdresser I love to find different hair-dos...

Or how about some really cool hair colors...
This is the big style craze right now...

 These are just a few of my favorite "Pins"...I have so many more ideas I would love to have shared...If you are interested join me on My Pinterest - Click here

I've shared with you some of my favorite "Pins"...
Let's see some of yours....


Next week's party..."Tis the Season"

A few things you should know BEFORE linking up:

  • This weeks Party is "GREAT PINTEREST FINDS"...Link What you would like...
  • Post "Pick a Theme"  button (located on the left sidebar) under your post or somewhere on your blog so that others can find the party and join in.
  • Please link directly to your post, not your blog.

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