And, looking back at my March calendar I didn't get my daily goals done...That's what happens when life throws you curveballs...and I'm still sitting on the baseball field...LOL
It's a good thing I keep a calendar to keep me in check, right??? Maybe my goal for April should be to do better with my ~daily goals~....(cracking myself up)...I will work better on it...I promise ;-)
I think I'm going to make a calendar that hangs on the wall by my desk to hit me in the face everytime I sit down so I will stay on task...What do you think??? It could work...The mind is not what it used to be...LOL
I keep a little 3 x 5 notebook with me at all times and write myself notes or lists of things I need (or want)...
As I complete something I cross it off....that is a feeling of accomplishment and I never go to the store thinking "Oh crap!! I forgot what I wanted to get or look for"...As you can see on the left side of the notebook I have T (Target), S (Staples), H (Hallmark).....That saves me time because I know exactly where I need to go and what I need to get...That my friends ALSO saves me money...I have a browsing problem which leads to $$$...That means: More things + More money = Unhappy hubby (Well I can usually sweet talk my way :-))!!!
However, I did get something "fantastic" for my purse...We all like our rewards cards and even though those handy little key tags are convenient to carry it does get to be much....I don't like a lot of things on my key chain and all those key tags were bothering me...not to mention handing the clerk at the store your 5lb key chain to scan your tag...
Thanks to Sandy @ Organize with Sandy I bought this adorable CARD CUBBY....(wish I would have got a brighter color) "Oh Well"...I was playing it safe...NOT!!! hehe...But, it goes with every bag I toss it in and we know I have quite a few HANDBAGS AND TOTES...Isn't it adorable???...
It comes with the dividers and is just the perfect size for youR reward cards, credit, debit, or any other cards you carry in your purse...
As you can see I do attempt to organize my life and I'm going to get there...with a little time management and determination "I can do it" and "So can you"....