Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year...Bring in 2012

I wasn't going to blog until after the New Year but I just couldn't help myself...That happens sometimes :-)

I wanted to wish everyone a "Happy New Year" and to ask those that are going to venture out to be safe...

I am soooo looking forward to "2012"...I have so many fun projects and ideas going on and I CAN NOT wait to share them with you all!!! I can hardly contain myself...I'm sooo excited about a few of the projects I am working on...

Let's get this show on the road and bring in the New Year!!!

I will shout and party for all of you (kidding we are just going to go hang at a friends house) It's our crazy karaoke friends...If there is too much drinking...WE crash at there house!!
(Church tomorrow might be rough going)

Are you ready for the New Year???
I know I am!!

This is what I told my hubby....(I'll let you know if he does ;-))

Good-Bye 2011...I can't really say I will miss you too much...
You provided me with some very trying times!!

I'm not making New Year's "Resolutions" but I am making New Year's "Goals" along with some promises to myself...I want to create a life where I stand on my own two feet, I jump on my impulses, and I laugh heartily, dress up every day, and view life as a party when I wake up instead of dreading the day!!!

How about you?? Any Resolutions or Goals??
Are you Ready for the New Year?


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Anything 2011 Linky Party...

I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas...
I'm going to be taking a week off from blogging so I can get myself ready for a "Wonderful" New Year!!!

I have a lot of exciting new stuff to I will be taking this time for my family and to get prepared for another great year of blogging...

Thanks to all of you for making my first year so "Crazy Beautiful"...

Here is last weeks "Queen of the party"...

Jenn at Clean & Scentsible did a beautiful job decorating her home for the Holidays...Hop on over and check out her beautiful home decor....

Stephanie and Cre8tive Designs created a beautiful Christmas tablescape...Make sure you skip on over and oogle over the beautiful table decor...

I know I'm making this short and sweet this week but I'm blogging later than anticipated and I wanted to get this weeks linky party started early!!!

This week's theme...


Show off anything you've done in 2011...It can be any of your favorite ideas, decor, crafts, name it...SHOW IT OFF!!!

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Holiday Linky Party

Welcome to "Pick-A-Theme" Thursdays...

If you've been here before "Welcome" back and if you are new then don't be a stranger...jump on in and join the party...We don't bite...I promise!!

Now on to last weeks "QUEENS of the Party"!!

Don't forget to grab your button on the left side and display it proudly ;-)

Hop on over and visit Aimee @ It's Over Flowing and check out her fabulous Christmas Tree...

Then skip on over and see Gina @ East Coast Mommy and see what her "Elf on the Shelf" is up to!

{East Coast Mommy}

While your at it stop on over and see Rica @ La "Rica" Vida and tell her how cute her wreath is!!

But, Before you go (or atleast come back) link up to this week's party...


**NOTE: Don't be a party pooper...Please grab my button and link back to the party!!
(oh yeah!! You can join my blog so you can have a front row seat to all the parties)

Really I am very friendly!!!

Now let's PARTY!!!
(I'm even starting early this week)

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Monday, December 19, 2011

Beginning to look alot like Christmas!!!

It's a WEEK until Christmas and I am NO where near ready!!!

If I could just have a remote control for life I would have to hit that rewind button...But, needless to say I did get a little decorating done with the help of my hubby...Actually he pulled everything out and I had no choice but to decorate...LOL

Since we downsized this year I didn't put a lot of decorations out...It's that claustrophobic thing!!

Some come on in to my home!!

I live in the south and it really wasn't snowing...Love Picasa ;-)

My problem was finding a spot for the tree in our cozy lil home...and after much deliberating (about a month) I believe this was my only option... Now I have to decorate the WHOLE Tree if it sits can see it from the front entrance and the living room...

Breathe, Denyse!!! You got this!!
(Yep I talk to myself all the time and proud of it)

This involved finding a temporary home for an end table, a plant and sliding the love seat down...All this for a tree!! Stressed me out!!!

Now at this point we hope the tree fits...


I guess it's time to get it decorated (It sat like this for 3 days) I know I know...Some days I do need a swift kick right in the back side!!


Here are a few of my favorite things..

My angel sits atop the tree watching over us!!!

The stockings are hung by the chimney with care!!

My "Willow Tree" Nativity seen (Christmas gift from hubby 2 yrs ago) is all snuggled under the tree...

Every year I try to pick up a new ornament...I got these cute lil sparklers at Kohl's for $1.49 a piece...I call that a Christmas jackpot!!!

Added some snowman cheer!!

And, it wouldn't be Christmas without "Santa"...I love my old time Santa's...Here are a few of my favorites...

My decorative holiday throw pillows and blankets...

This one sits in a rocker that my daughter who is going to be 26 sat in when she was 2...and he rocks by the fireplace!!

And, this Santa hangs by the front door and annoys the hubby...It plays Christmas music every time you walk past it...(I only annoyed him for a few hours with it than shut it

Speaking of hubby...I bet you didn't know I was married to a DIY'er (Well neither did I)...I came home to a wreath hanging on my front door (WE DON"T HAVE A WREATH)...I was like "What the heck, you seriously went and bought a wreath...WE have no extra money"..

Well let me step back because hubby found the plain wreath with our Christmas stuff and added lights and found a bag of Christmas decor and decorated the wreath himself...

YES!! I was literally speechless!!

Don't mess with my hubby!!!
(makes me laugh every time I look at it)

We went from this to this!!

Remember, if Christmas isn't found in your heart, you won't find it under a tree." 
~ Charlotte Carpenter.

I hoped you enjoyed the tour into my home!!

From "Our Family" to "Yours"

"Merry Christmas" and "Happy New Year"


This is where we party!!!

If you have a linky party every week let me know and I will add your button to my party directory! 

Mingling Monday's
Talk about it Tuesday's
Wow Wednesday's
Terrific Thursday's
Fabulous Friday's
Share it Saturday's
Showcase Sunday's

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

10 Days til Christmas Linky Party

Time is flyyyyingggg........

I can not believe it will be Christmas in 10 days...Where did the time go??? I don't know about you but I am no where near ready...I just put up my tree tonight (pics later)...I really do need to start managing my time better...(sounds like a New Year resolution to me....LOL) <<--- NOT!!!

If you haven't had a chance to visit all the great partiers that linked up last week...then you need to do so here...There are so many great ideas and lots of beautiful holiday decor!!!

Here are this week's Queen's of the party...

So, Please grab your button and display it proudly on your blog...You deserve it!!
If you are looking for table decor...Kathe @ Kathe with an E has shared some serious table extraordinaire over at her blog...These tables are full of so much creativity!!!

Hop on over and check out these tables and tell Kathe "hello" while you are there!!!

When I was a little girl (long time ago) my parents had a white tree that would leave white stuff all over the place...I have not seen one of these trees in years...Cheree @ The Morning Latte found one...The tree itself is green but it has the look of snow all over the tree...I didn't even know they still made flocked trees anymore...Cheree did a beautiful job decorating it and she's a girl that can't pass up a good deal!!!

Hop on over and check out Cheree's tree and other homemade gifts she's made...and while you are there drop her a note and let her know you stopped by!!!

Say "Hi" for me while you are there ;-)

We all love crafts and we all love to decorate...Right???

These snowmen are just about the cutest holiday craft, ever!!! They are perfect for your entrance and Kaysi @ Keeping it Simple did a fabulous job making these...

You should see the other one she made...I know you are going to go check it out...So, while your are there tell Kaysi "Hi"....

We've all seen a Charlie Brown tree...I just love them!! I'm going to make one someday...And, I want it to be as cute as the one that the sisters @ DNA Design created...

Can you say "Adorable"...

Hop on over and tell them how cute their Charlie Brown tree is!!! You can even tell them I'm oogling over their tree ;-)

Now that time is flying right past us let's get this party started...Remember, We only have 10 days til Christmas...So what have you been up to???

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

18 Days til Christmas Linky Party

Wow....Wow and WOW!!!

This is all I can say about all the wonderful following partiers I have out there in blog land...You guys ROCK!! You, once again made my "Pick-A-Theme" Thursdays linky party a success...My hopes are that the parties just get bigger and BIGGER!!!

So, to all of you that join every week "Thank You"...and hopefully everyone grabbed a button to feature on their blog...feel free to invite some friends...we don't like to be left out of a good party now do we??? :)

There were so many great Holiday ideas that were posted...I wish I could feature everyone....And, since I don't like to leave anyone out...I'm going to be adding a new button for those that don't make "QUEEN" of the party...if your not Queen you are the "PRINCESS of the party"... (applauding everyone)

So, Please grab your button and display it proudly on your blog...You deserve it!!

Now let's get to the Queen's of the party!!!

If you have not visited "Keeping the Christmas Spirt Alive 365" - You Must!!!

Look at this yummy Ginger Bread house...She has featured several of them...I wanted to post them all...but instead I thought I would give you a sneak peak and then you can hop on over and see what Natasha is up to and tell her Denyse @ Crazy Beautiful Life sentcha!!!

These wooden tree stocking holders are just adorable...Who would of thought to make stocking holders out of wooden post caps??? Alecia @ Chicken Scratch is the brilliance behind this great craft idea...

Make sure you hop on over and check out the tutorial on this great project...Tell Alecia that
Denyse @  Crazy Beautiful Life sentcha!!

Ash and Nat from Craftying Cousins linked up this week and shared with all of us these cute book ornaments...I just get amazed at some of the wonderful things that people come up with...These are just too cute and can be used in so many ways to decorate your home for the Holidays...

When you get a chance you really need to go visit them (I get excited to share such creativity) and tell them
Denyse @ Crazy Beautiful Life sentcha!!!

Cinthya @ Eye Heart used an annual report magazine to create the amazing paper wreath...Now that's the way to recycle!! Woo Hoo

I'm sure Cinthya would love to hear from you so hop on over and tell her...
Well You know what to tell her...LOL

I just "Crazy" love these craft projects and hope you got some really good ideas as well...and if you haven't had a chance to check out all the great link-ups that joined the party last can still check them out at the "25 Days of Christmas" linky party!!!

Now let's get this weeks party started...

Don't forget to grab the party button and bring some friends...

Let's PARTY!!!

A few things you should know BEFORE linking up:


 This week’s party is “18 Days til Christmas”

 Show us all your crafts, décor, gifts and anything that you are doing to get ready for Christmas…


Post “Pick-a-Theme Thursdays” button (located on the left sidebar) under your post or somewhere on your blog so that others can find the party and join in…

(REMEMBER: The more the merrier)

Please link directly to your post and not your blog!!

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Dining Room to Office

If you follow me then you know I have struggled with leaving my dining room alone or changing into my home office.
If you are new then you can read about it HERE.

After much consideration I have decided to GO FOR IT!!

If I waited for the perfect time…It would never get done!
If I waited for new furniture…I would be waiting awhile!

Since I can’t afford new furniture and I do not feel comfortable staining or painting certain pieces of furniture, I am just going to make this work. My wood selection in my house is kind of like the coat of many colors, but it’s the wood of many colors here at mi casa!!!

Moving furniture around is really going o mix up the wood situation in this house. But, it’s OK! That’s what happens in “My Crazy Beautiful Life”.

So let’s start off with a tour of what it looks like now…

Dining Room

The room is full of oak furniture. (I know it's so 2000 - When I had it made)

(View from Kitchen)

(View from front Entrance)

(View from the living room)


The furniture is dark cherry & black. (My attempt to modernize...LOL)

 (View from the living room)

(View from front entrance)

Now that you have seen the two rooms I will be moving around...Let's go grab a desk and see how it looks...

I think this may work...What's the worst that could happen??? I rearrange the house and my hubby has to put it all back the way it was...LOL...Like that has not happened before ;-)

Don't you just love my desk chair? I sold my leather one because it was just too uncomfortable to sit on and the wheels didn't roll on the carpet (I don't like the mats under my chair) and besides I have the perfect chair in mind...

Something like this...

Now, Let's see what my dining room set looks like in the kitchen...

Not bad!!!
(Don't love it, YET!)

I can keep it small and still have enough room for 3 leafs and 6 chairs for entertaining...

After a long day of moving furniture around and getting things where I want them...This is what I have come up with...I can add the finishing touches later...I just wanted to get the furniture in place...

Here's the "Dining Room" turned "Office"...

What do you think???

~Like it or Love it~

Now, let's take a final look at the kitchen...

Like it or Love it???

How about some Before & After...We all Love them!!!

Are you wondering what I did with the table that was in the kitchen??? Or are you wondering what I did with the wall units that were in the dining room??? Or how about the room that was the home office???

Here's a sneak peak of the new disaster zone!!!

I hope you enjoyed my home rearranging tour!! I will update as I continue to "TWEAK" each room!!

I would love to hear your thoughts.



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