This is the color scheme I am going with, at least for now. I'm forever changing my mind and I blame blogland for that. So, I AM open to ideas.
Here's the remodeling plan, as it is in my head. Ummm, yeah! That could change too. But, this is where I rely on my bloggy friends for some great ideas.
I'm am sharing a couple views of the kitchen so you get a good visual of what we will be doing.
This is the view coming in from the garage, standing in the laundry room. I would like to add pendant lights over the island. I am painting the cabinets and I've been going back and forth between black or a dark brown. I think dark brown is winning. And, I want to do something with those hideous looking counter tops. I think I'm going to try the Granite paint for counter tops by Giani Granite. The decision is to do Chocolate Brown or the Bombay Black.
Now we are standing on the other side of the kitchen look towards the laundry room. As you can see I don't have a lot of cabinet space or counter space so this is going to be challenging. But, I can do it. The kitchen just got a fresh coat of paint and a new floor. On the list is new stainless appliances. The first to replace is going to be the fridge, hubby is already crying over no water dispenser. I'm dreaming of french door fridges, Lowe's here I come.
This view is standing in the corner of the living room.
We are standing in the living room looking in the kitchen. I would love to paint that back wall a "POP" of color. I'm thinking the burgundy or even a deep plum. See there I go changing my mind again. Don't laugh I know you do it too.
I also want to build an archway dividing the kitchen and living room. I have my builder BFF already working on the plans. Now that is exciting stuff. There will be 2 archways, one over the counter and one over the entrance in the kitchen with a pillar between the two. That probably confused you, huh? Don't worry, I will keep you updated.
Another view standing in front of the sliding glass door.
Here's the view when you walk in the front door, standing in the living room. An archway is going to make a huge difference.
Once I pick out the cabinet color and if I'm going to paint or stain. We will begin painting the cabinets this weekend. Exciting stuff so hang tight for an update.
Speaking of exciting stuff. Crazy Beautiful Life is going into retirement. So, welcome to...
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