Thursday, February 28, 2013

Guest Post: Redhead Can Decorate

Good morning from Redhead!

My name is Julie, and I blog over at  When Denyse asked if I would be interested in guest posting I immediately said, "Oh yeah!".  Denyse is a busy gal these days and I am honored she asked me to fill in.  Denyse is such a friendly, supportive friend.  Love that girl!

Let me tell you a little bit about who I am.  I am a stay at home Mom in Michigan, but I am originally from Buffalo, NY.  Yes...CHICKEN WING CENTRAL!  I have my elementary teaching degree and taught for a couple years after finally deciding to become a nanny.  I love the "home" atmosphere and staying home is what I am meant to do.  I am fortunate that I am now able to do just that with my own little family.  I have 2 beautiful girls that I love dearly, and a hubby who still makes my heart melt.  Oh, and "Dude" our lab who is laying by me right now.  There is nothing more rewarding to me than taking care of my family and creating our cozy nest.  

 Home decorating has always been a passion of mine.  Even as a young girl I remember decorating my bedroom.  I would spend hours just rearranging my dresser.  Funny I know. is where I love to share my home decorating ideas, and also some yummy recipes (did I mention I love to cook?).  I'm mostly known around blog land for our kitchen makeover.  Below you will find several of my best projects to click on.  I just finished our master bedroom makeover and I am so excited to share it with you. 


Before I go I thought I better let you know that I am a Looksi Ambassador.  If you are a blogger, Looksi is a great website to share your work and gain traffic to your blog.  If you are not a blogger, Looksi is wonderful place to find inspiration.  You'll find the Looksi button below if you would like to check it out.

Thanks for having me over time lets get some cheese & crackers out with a glass of wine. XO
Love, Julie

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Guest Post - The Rustic Pig

I am beyond thrilled to be guest posting here today! Thank you so much to Denyse for giving me the opportunity to stop in and share a little about me and my blog, The Rustic Pig.

 A little about me... my name is Claire, and for the past 13 years I was a teacher. That was until we moved back home to San Antonio this past summer and the school year started without me. I have never been a stay-at-home mom. In fact, every summer I kept busy trying to find something to do! This means I have tried almost every home business out there.

 No... really... EVERY one!

So, I wasn't about to try that again, but I needed to do something! But what?? Well, my life changed when I found 25 antique windows for sale on Craigslist. I had no idea what I was going to do with them, but I knew they would keep me busy. I decided to blog about each window I did and that was when The Rustic Pig was born.

 I learned a lot through those 25 windows, and decided to try my hand at painting furniture. I didn't want to spend a lot of money on this new adventure, so finding free or next to free furniture was a must! When a friend of my husband's offered to give us an old antique dresser, I was thrilled! Until we brought it home. The drawers were in perfect condition, but the dresser frame was not repairable. The thought of throwing the dresser away made me sick. So I thought and thought about how I could salvage the drawers, and came up with an idea that has been one of my popular posts by far! A drawer pillow holder...


 I eventually started doing local craft shows. From the money I made selling my windows and drawers, I bought furniture. Here are just a few of my favorite pieces...


Instead of craft shows, I now sell my furniture in a fun store on Main Street in Boerne, TX. I could have never dreamed those 25 windows would have turned into the little business I own today. I am beyond blessed to not only be able to do what I love, but I also get to meet amazing bloggers like Denyse every day!

 So, Denyse, thanks again! Love ya girl!!




Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Guest Post: The DIY Village

Hello everyone I'm Matt and I blog with my wife, Jacque over at theDIYvillage.


We are so happy to be with you all today and want to give Denyse a huge thanks for having us over! Like I mentioned before we love to DIY and are constantly working on what seems to be our never ending honey-do list.
Jacque loves to scour Craigslist looking for treasures that we can refinish or even reinvent to fit our style. Since she's so dedicated to searching, I find myself at times joining her for the treasure hunt. I ran across a desk that a mom had painted for her son 20+ years ago. We settled on a purchase price of $25 and back to our house it went!
Here's a picture of what it originally looked like...

Whew, what a paint job!

Once we got to really inspecting the work we needed to do we found that this was actually an old Naval desk! It was written on the back of the desk and inside one of the drawers! I found that to be an added "cool" story to go with the desk!
The first thing we needed to do was to remove as much paint as possible! We used a combination of different techniques to remove the paint. We used a combination of hand scrapers, heat guns, palm sanders, belt sanders, and even an oribital sander. The paint removal took a total of about 8 hours over a 2 day period.

Next we primed the drawer faces and the frame of the desk with a Kilz Multi-Purpose Primer. Jacque decided to stain the top of the desk, so we left it unprimed.

The next step was to paint the drawer faces and the frame. We opted for a Benjamin Moore paint we found at Ace Hardware discounted as a "mis-tint". I think we may have paid $3 for the quart of paint.

Before applying a finish coat to the desk, Jacque had the idea of distressing the frame to give it a more "vintage" look. We used some cabinet scrapers from Woodcraft...And let me tell you, those are SHARP! So if using them, be extremely careful holding them. I made the mistake of loosely holding a scraper while using it and ended up having to take a "safety timeout" because it slipped and cut my thumb. It's easier to see the distressing in the final pics below so I'll forego posting any here.

We used a poly-acrylic made by MinWax to seal the desk. And lastly we used PolyShades made by MixWax to stain and seal the top surface of the desk. It's a stain and poly combined and after a few sandings and applications, the desk top looked immaculate!

We moved the desk into Jacque's Craft Room and added some decorative knobs we got at Hobby Lobby. And after 4 days of refinishing and less then $50 spent, here's the final result.

Refinished Desk

Refinished Desk

Check out the before and after of our refinished desk.

Refinished Desk

Monday, February 25, 2013

Have you linked up yet?

Have you Linked up to the Aloha Friday Blog Hop yet

To enter the contest, you have to link up first! I'll include the linky below the giveaway. 

Giveaway ends February 28th!! You can enter via Rafflecopter and do a tweet a day to up your entries!

It's Giveaway Time!!

Enter the awesome February giveaway below for the chance of winning free ad space for 1 month on 7 different blogs, having a featured or guest post starring your blog on 2 different blogs, a free modern/sleek blog design and $75 worth of gift cards!!

Enter the contest below!! 
If you want to know more about the prize you may win,click on the pictures below. They each take you to our individual pages.

a Rafflecopter giveaway  

Link up to the Aloha Friday Blog Hop at the end of this post! Just click the "Read More" link below!

Let's make Aloha Friday start early..and last all weekend long!! Link up, find friends, get followers!! 

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Aloha from the February Team!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Guest Blogger: The Taylor-House

Hi, Glitter, Glue & Paint readers! 

My name is Chrissy and I blog over at The Taylor House where I share yummy recipes and fun crafts.  I am honored to be here today and posting for Denyse! 

potato soup

Today, I have a delicious Baked Potato Soup Recipe to share with you. I made this recipe a couple weeks ago and we loved it. It is a very creamy, cheesy potato soup and I love that it can be in the slow cooker all day!  You can find the recipe on how to make this at the bottom of the post. 



Slow Cooker Baked Potato Soup Recipe
  • 5 lbs russet potatoes, diced, NOT peeled
  • 5 tablespoons Garlic
  • 1 large yellow onion, chopped
  • 64 ounces chicken broth or stock
  • 16 ounces cream cheese
  • bacon, sour cream, chives or shredded cheese for garnish
  1. Combine first 4 ingredients in your crock pot, cook on low for 8 hours or on high for 5.
  2. Purée soup in food processor with cream cheese.
  3. Serve warm topped with bacon, sour cream, shredded cheese & chives.
I have a  Dutch Oven Bread recipe that is a crunchy bread, it goes perfectly with soup!

Or a Honey White Bread that is delicious as well! 

I hope you will take a minute to connect with me!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Aloha Friday Blog Hop

Aloha Friday Blog Hop
Grab our button!!
(Other button sizes {big & small} available HERE)

<div align="center"><a href="" title="Aloha Friday Blog Hop" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Aloha Friday Blog Hop" style="border:none;" /></a></div&gt>

The Aloha Friday Blog Hop is more than a "Friday" hop, it's a way to share aloha and friendship to our fellow bloggers all weekend long!!  I consider this particular blog hop to be more of a weekend hop because Fridays are so hectic that a lot of people function on what we like to call "Hawaiian Time" here in Hawai'i which means they link up on Saturday or sometimes even Sunday which is just fine and dandy with me!  That's why I keep it open from Friday through Wednesday because I sincerely believe, the more the merrier!! 

{ Just A Few Simple Requests }  

Follow your Aloha Friday Hop hosts and team members.
{You can follow us via GFC easily by clicking on their buttons above!}
(Please leave a comment with a link to your site and we will be sure to follow you back)

Link up your family friendly blogs
(Or other sites and projects you'd like to share)

 Share this hop so that others might join in.
(If you'd like, you are welcome to post this hop on your site and/or add our button to your site!)

 Visit at least three other blogs and let them know you've come to share aloha.
(How lucky are we to start our wonderful weekends together, let's have fun with this)

The last Aloha Friday Blog Hop had 426... yeah!  lovely participants.  THANK YOU!!!  It's really helping us all get more followers and more exposure!!  Make sure you link up because every single button in the last link up was clicked at least 8 times, some as many as 100 times.  It really helps get you followers!

If you're interested in co-hosting next month's Aloha Friday Blog Hop, please email for more info.   

Here's the extra special addition to our lovely hop. It's an oh-so-easy opportunity for you lovely participants of the Aloha Friday Blog hop to get some exposure to your blogs!!  What do  you have to do to enter?  Just link up to the Aloha Friday Blog Hop Below!! It's that easy!!  No extra forms or hassle, just link up!  Each week we will pick a linker to featured at random and invite you all to say ...
Aloha Hoapili
Grab a button if you were featured this week!
Aloha Hoapili translates as Hello Close Friend. So, without further ado let me introduce you to this week's featured friend ...

Shel at Sweet Petite .

Shel blogs about TV/Films and lots of creative projects in the kitchen.
Want a little taste of her blog? Check out these posts to find out what you've been missing:
Pirate Cupcakes
X-Box Cupcakes
Hawaii 5-0 Withdrawal

Want your link to be one of the first people see?  Sponsor What Jean Likes by purchasing an ad space!! All Sponsors are automatically linked up! More info on becoming a sponsor {here}.

Enter the GIVEAWAY After the Link Up Below!

Let's make Aloha Friday start early..and last all weekend long!! Link up, find friends, get followers!! 

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

It's Giveaway Time!!

Enter the awesome February giveaway below for the chance of winning free ad space for 1 month on 7 different blogs, having a featured or guest post starring your blog on 2 different blogs, a free modern/sleek blog design and $75 worth of gift cards!!

Enter the contest after the jump!! If you want to know more about the ad you may win,click on the pictures below. They each take you to our individual sponsorship pages (if there is one). (Click the "read more link  to enter the giveaway!!>>>>)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Aloha from the February Team!


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