Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sad day for a blogger...

As a blogger you have one very important piece of equipment...
And, for me that is my...


I missed out on blogging for most of this year because it was one problem after another with my precious "Dell". We have been through so much together and I treated her so good.

We've been together for about 5 yrs and I never even peeled her stickers off of her.

For the past month she has been failing me and my biggest fear was losing all my photos. You see a few months back when she was misbehaving I backed up my files to an external hard drive. Well that hard drive has also failed me. It will not let me back up anymore and it won't let me get any of my files off of it.

Now, I am really panicking. Off to Staples I went to purchase a new laptop (Not happy about this expense right before the Holidays). Remember my "Dream Board"...NO MORE PURCHASES!!!

But, anyways!! Staples did not have one computer, I was at a complete loss and my anxiety kicked into over-drive. How can Staples have NO computers. Long story short. They had a big sale (figures a week before I need one) because Windows 8 is coming out. 

Not good enough for me. I need a computer right NOW. I walked down to Best Buy and they had computers and a sale. Better yet, if you purchase a laptop you get a "FREE" Windows 8 upgrade.

Meet "HP"

I hope she is good to me. I've only ever owned Dell's and Toshiba's. Now to get her hooked up and get my files downloaded before "Dell" is put to rest.

A new computer is a bit overwhelming...especially when it has a few crazy things going on.

Like this little lighted gadget...Do you know what it is??

It's so you can scan your fingerprint and sign on to your computer and open whatever programs you assign to your fingerprint. 



HAHAHAHA!! Hubby and kids can't bust into my computer anymore.

Not laughing anymore. I went and got my "FREE" Windows 8 upgrade.


I just wanted everyone to know why I've been MIA. And, once I figure all this out...As Arnold would say, "I'll be back".

(I hope - pray for me)


Daylight Saving Time countdown banner

Christmas countdown banner


  1. Oh i WANT the new Windows 8! I love new operating systems and figuring them all out - i'm sure you'll have it all sorted before you know it :) xx

  2. Thanks for visiting, Karrine! I think windows 8 could be fun if I had time to sit and play...LOL!! ;-)

  3. I'm sorry to hear you lost your favorite Dell, but a new computer is always fun. One thing you may want to consider is storing your "favorite" files and photos in the virtual CLOUD. There are lots of free places to store files nowadays. Keep up the good work!


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