Sunday, November 4, 2012

Greeting Card Decor

This may be a lengthy post but with lots of photos. But, I do promise you won't be bored!

If you are anything like me you keep things that are very important to you. For me some of those important things are greeting cards I have received over several years. 

Sometimes it's such a shame for them to sit in boxes on a shelf. Like things I enjoy to look at I want to display them. Well, how in the heck do you display greeting cards? I could put them in photo albums. 
Nah!!! Not fancy enough.

I want to display them in such a way that it is part of my decor. So, I racked my brain to come up with a simple solution that was within my budget.

I pulled out my hole punch, paper cutter, scrapbook paper and ran to...You guessed it HOBBY LOBBY!!
I picked up a couple packages of album rings. 
And, this cute little shelf and the best part I only paid $7 for it...JACKPOT! (I love that

I divided the cards up between Christmas, Valentines, Family, Birthday, Warm Wishes and Love & Marriage. 

I used my "heart" paper punch and punched 3 wholes in each card.

I even recruited my hubby in helping with the paper punching process. 

This was a lazy day project for me...I didn't even get out of my PJ's ;-)

After I got all of the cards punched I clipped them together with binder rings.

They look great just the way they are but I wanted to add covers to each group of cards. I plan on hanging them in my office/art room and I am re-doing that room in a "French Vintage" decor. I gave each set of cards a "French vintage" look.

I took scrapbook paper and cut them to the size of each group of cards. Then I either printed a title and quote to each set or glued a Vintage photo I found online.

Here is my Christmas "book"...

My husband is very mushy so don't say I didn't warn you...LOL

My cards have a lot of sentimental meaning to me. They are full of love and personal messages to me from loved ones. And, it warms my heart to know that I can now look at them like a book and read all of the thoughtfulness and love that has been sent my way.

Here's a sneak peek of the Christmas love I have received...

Valentine Love: A canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by imagination!

Warm Wishes: Someone remembers someone cares, Your name is whispered in someones prayers!

I know some of the wording is hard to read but I wanted that old time vintage feel to the covers.

The cards in this "book" are either get well, thinking of you, thank-you, just because and sympathy cards. I can look at one and remember when my Grandmother passed away and the next one will make me laugh because that's what a dear friend of mine likes to make me do.

Birthday Cards: Once a year we celebrate the gift of life the Lord has given us!

Here's a glimpse of the "funny" girls in my life. Brenna is one of my best friends and Danyelle is my funny haha daughter. The joys these cards have brought me.

The "Family" album is full of Mother's day cards or cards I have received from family. 

When I can look back at cards from my husband, daughters and son it brings a smile to my face and warmth to my heart. I know that each and every card was picked out for me with love and sincere meaning.

I saved the best one for last. All the "loving" cards from my husband while we were dating, cards from loved ones when we got married and cards for each and every anniversary or just because cards he gives me. 

Love & Marriage: "This is my beloved and This is my friend" - Song of Soloman 5:16

The card on the bottom left was the first card my husband ever gave me. And, the card from the florist was with a bouquet of flowers that was waiting for me when we arrived at the condo we stayed in on the island we got married on. We got married exactly 2 yrs from the day we met.

Now to share where I put this fabulous "Greeting Card Decor". When I bought this shelf from Hobby Lobby I knew the hooks where going to be perfect to hang my greeting card books.

And, while I was browsing Hobby Lobby I found this adorable, perfect Fleur de lis bowl (50% off) that I knew would sit perfect on this shelf.
 (Pssttt...It may not stay there, you know how I love to move things around)

Now that the shelf is hung....

It's time to decorate this little corner with my greeting cards.

After moving a few things around I finally have my greeting cards displayed in a decorative fashion.

I hope you found some inspiration in displaying those cards that mean so much. 

Here's every one's favorite...Before & After

I'm winded and I'm sure you are after reading this long post! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoy displaying my greeting cards.



  1. what a nice idea! i always struggle with putting out holiday/birthday cards, so i ordered something from a flash sales sight that i hope to use this year.

  2. Such a great idea! I keep every card that my husband gives me. Unfortunately they are in a box in my closet. You have inspired me to create something out of them! Thanks for linking up to the CHQ blog hop! Hope to see you back tomorrow!

  3. That is such a really good idea and it's pretty as well. Thank you for sharing. Would love it if you would share this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see you at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  4. What a great project - how wonderful it turned out! Joining from Shine on Friday -

  5. This is a brilliant idea! I never know what to do with birthday cards and don't usually want to throw them out :)

    Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

  6. What a clever idea! I have cards in boxes too because I cannot bear the thought of tossing them away. I might just have to borrow your idea!

  7. I will definitely be joining you again, Kathy! I love seeing all the creativity in blog land ;-)

  8. What a clever and decorative idea. I wish I had come across this idea when my mom was still alive. She had several boxes of cards that were very dear to her and they were discarded when she moved the last time because there was nowhere for the boxes. How she would have enjoyed having them in little books where she could have looked at them often. Thanks for sharing this wonderful idea.

    1. Hi Roisin!

      Thanks for visiting! Sorry to hear how your mothers' cards were discarded. I know what mine mean to me. Hopefully you will be able to make a few books for yourself to enjoy.

      Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

  9. { L O V E } this idea! Thank you for sharing.

    1. Hi Katy!

      Thanks for visiting. I hope you come back to see what I am up to.

      Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

  10. This looks great! Would love it if you linked up on my blog hop Also let me know if you'd like to follow each other!

  11. I love these ideas. I would never have thought of this let a lone think I could do this. Thanks for making it look like I could do it and it look good. Stopping by from SITS Girls!!

    1. Thanks, MT2B! It is so easy and you have book of all your favorite greeting cards. Thanks for stopping by, have a "Crazy Beautiful" day!

  12. So nice to be able to treasure sweet words! I love reading the cards my honey gave me 20+ years ago! Thanks for linking up last week, we'd love to have you back!

  13. Thanks for linking up! Hope to see some of your great ideas again this week on 'Or so she says ...'

    1. Hi Mariel! Thanks for visiting and I will be sure stopping by this week.

  14. Nowadays everyone searching out greeting cards and want to make his/her cards awesome and eye-catching. Your shared cards are really amazing and you put a perfect colors of combination in your cards, i really like it.

    embossed business cards

    1. Hi Angelina. Thanks for visiting and your wonderful compliment. It's definitely something I enjoy looking back at.

  15. I am so glad you relinked this! I am so going to do this!

  16. What a fabulous job on displaying your special cards! And such a unique idea, I love the little books you made them into.
    Debbie :)

  17. Wonderful idea now I know what to do with all those cards I have kept :)


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