Sunday, October 28, 2012

Let's make a gift basket...

I'd like to introduce you to my friend Jenise and her husband Greg and the new announcement they just made....Great way to tell a story!!

They are expecting their first baby after 9 yrs of marriage...
I've been friends with Jenise for about 9-10  years, I was even their when she married the love of her life...

This was in 2003. Wow! Does time fly...

Well Jenise has hit a stumbling block in life, it seems to have thrown her a curve ball.

Yep!! She was diagnosed with breast cancer and then found out she was expecting her first baby. 
So, what do we do when a friend needs support? 
WE SUPPORT THEM...anyway we know how.

As a hair stylist I thought what a great way to support her by raffling off a gift basket and all the proceeds will go to Jenise to help with any medical bills and anything else she will need in her long 1 1/2 yrs of chem.

I went to the beauty supply stores and picked up a few things and then headed to Michael's to get a nice basket that can be re-used.

I have to mention I went to a friends house (Tammy) to help me with the basket...she makes beautiful ones and saved me a few $$ by being so kind to help.

First thing we had to do was put some filler paper in the bottom of the basket so we did not lose any products in the bottom. And, it makes it easier for everything in the basket to be seen.

Now to add some pretty shredded paper. You can find this in many colors. Tammy had some black on hand and it works perfect to make everything stand out. 

Now comes the fun part. Putting everything in the basket. You want to place everything in a way that all your  goodies can be seen. And if you are OCD like me and Tammy you will be moving things around for hours...LOL

Once you get everything in place it's time to cover your basket with a piece of shrink wrap. Make sure that it is big enough to cover your basket. Tape it to the bottom and make sure you have some room for it to shrink around your product. Do not pull it real tight around the basket. 

Tammy happen to have a heat gun. Me?? I would have just pulled out my blow-dryer (that's the stylist in me) I don't think it would have worked though. HAHA

You want to keep your distance with the heat gun using constant motion. 

I had some of this really cute breast cancer ribbon and used it to tie a bow around the basket. Putting on finishing touches are endless. I just wanted simple.

And. WAA-LAA you have a great gift basket whether it's for a gift or give-away. 
Easy Peasy!!

I  needed a few more things to make this mission complete. A box for the tickets.
I bought this box at Michael's for $1.99 and the bow for $1.09 and made a pretty little sign with a list of everything in the basket.

I just glued the list on the box with a glue stick, cut a hole in the top of the box and added the bow.

 And, simple as that you have a donation/raffle box.

{ohh! I need to clean up that slit in the box}

I made up simple raffle tickets.

And, a nice little sign about the give-away.

And, here you have it. The display at the salon.

Making this basket and raffling it off is the least I can do for someone special. It's sometimes the little things that mean so much to someone. And, I feel that we should all pay it forward and do something special whether you know the person or not...It's the least we can do for someone going through a difficult time.

Breast cancer awareness month might almost be over but unfortunately breast cancer is not!

If anyone would like to make a donation to help Jenise I have set up a "Human Tribe Project". You can either purchase a tribe chain or just make a donation. 

The proceeds will go straight to Jenise. 

To make a donation, click --->>  Jenise's Tribe

Or, if you know someone in need..

 Whether it's cancer, a transplant, an accident or any crisis really, your friend needs support and this is where you give it. Create a free Tribe Page, email the people you know will care, build support and help your friend pay the bills.

It's holiday time...perfect for making gift baskets!!!
See how easy it is??

Daylight Saving Time countdown banner

Christmas countdown banner


  1. What a wonderful thing you did for your friend and many other women. Thank you!
    Homa Style is having a Simple Holiday Gift Idea Link Party. Your gift basket would be perfect as a holiday gift idea or an idea for others in need. Please join the link party at Homa Style.
    Here’s the link
    Hope to see you there!

    1. Thanks for the compliment. And, I'm on my way to link up. ;-)

  2. This is great! Just awesome! You are a great friend, supporting Jenise like this!!! I'm a new follower

    1. Thanks, Angela! And, welcome to my "Crazy Beautiful Life"

  3. I love the gift basket and the message it sends. Having gone through Breast cancer with my sister-in-law I know how much these awareness man to her.
    I am following you now and I would love for me to follow back.

  4. Thanks for visiting, Jillian. I will hop on over and say "Hi".

    Have a "Crazy Beautiful" week!!

  5. Thank you for joining Homa Style’s Simple Holiday Gift Idea Link Party. It’s hard to come up with new ideas for gifts and you helped with your idea. Thanks! Mark you calendar for the No Red Holiday Decor Link Party on Nov. 28. Plus the 12 Days of Christmas link party December 1st ~ 12th.

  6. Wow, what a great friend you are! So sorry about your friend, breast cancer is such a jerk!!! My mom is a survivor, so I can relate. Praying for the best!!
    Thank you for sharing at Artsy Corner.

  7. Thank you so much for sharing this, you're such a god friend! I'm so glad to be following you, love your blog:)


  8. Thank you so much for linking up last week. What a nice thing to do for your friend! Sorry she has to go through that. You are being featured tomorrow. The link will be live at 12AM EST 11/9/12:

    Would love for you to link up again tomorrow!

    Take care,

  9. Thanks for sharing this at the ‘Or so she says …’ link party! Hope to see you again this week (link party runs every Saturday – Tuesday). We’ve also got a fun “Favorites Things” giveaway going on right now. Please check it out!

  10. did a great job with this! I absolutely love this gift basket!


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