Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sad day for a blogger...

As a blogger you have one very important piece of equipment...
And, for me that is my...


I missed out on blogging for most of this year because it was one problem after another with my precious "Dell". We have been through so much together and I treated her so good.

We've been together for about 5 yrs and I never even peeled her stickers off of her.

For the past month she has been failing me and my biggest fear was losing all my photos. You see a few months back when she was misbehaving I backed up my files to an external hard drive. Well that hard drive has also failed me. It will not let me back up anymore and it won't let me get any of my files off of it.

Now, I am really panicking. Off to Staples I went to purchase a new laptop (Not happy about this expense right before the Holidays). Remember my "Dream Board"...NO MORE PURCHASES!!!

But, anyways!! Staples did not have one computer, I was at a complete loss and my anxiety kicked into over-drive. How can Staples have NO computers. Long story short. They had a big sale (figures a week before I need one) because Windows 8 is coming out. 

Not good enough for me. I need a computer right NOW. I walked down to Best Buy and they had computers and a sale. Better yet, if you purchase a laptop you get a "FREE" Windows 8 upgrade.

Meet "HP"

I hope she is good to me. I've only ever owned Dell's and Toshiba's. Now to get her hooked up and get my files downloaded before "Dell" is put to rest.

A new computer is a bit overwhelming...especially when it has a few crazy things going on.

Like this little lighted gadget...Do you know what it is??

It's so you can scan your fingerprint and sign on to your computer and open whatever programs you assign to your fingerprint. 



HAHAHAHA!! Hubby and kids can't bust into my computer anymore.

Not laughing anymore. I went and got my "FREE" Windows 8 upgrade.


I just wanted everyone to know why I've been MIA. And, once I figure all this out...As Arnold would say, "I'll be back".

(I hope - pray for me)


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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Let's make a gift basket...

I'd like to introduce you to my friend Jenise and her husband Greg and the new announcement they just made....Great way to tell a story!!

They are expecting their first baby after 9 yrs of marriage...
I've been friends with Jenise for about 9-10  years, I was even their when she married the love of her life...

This was in 2003. Wow! Does time fly...

Well Jenise has hit a stumbling block in life, it seems to have thrown her a curve ball.

Yep!! She was diagnosed with breast cancer and then found out she was expecting her first baby. 
So, what do we do when a friend needs support? 
WE SUPPORT THEM...anyway we know how.

As a hair stylist I thought what a great way to support her by raffling off a gift basket and all the proceeds will go to Jenise to help with any medical bills and anything else she will need in her long 1 1/2 yrs of chem.

I went to the beauty supply stores and picked up a few things and then headed to Michael's to get a nice basket that can be re-used.

I have to mention I went to a friends house (Tammy) to help me with the basket...she makes beautiful ones and saved me a few $$ by being so kind to help.

First thing we had to do was put some filler paper in the bottom of the basket so we did not lose any products in the bottom. And, it makes it easier for everything in the basket to be seen.

Now to add some pretty shredded paper. You can find this in many colors. Tammy had some black on hand and it works perfect to make everything stand out. 

Now comes the fun part. Putting everything in the basket. You want to place everything in a way that all your  goodies can be seen. And if you are OCD like me and Tammy you will be moving things around for hours...LOL

Once you get everything in place it's time to cover your basket with a piece of shrink wrap. Make sure that it is big enough to cover your basket. Tape it to the bottom and make sure you have some room for it to shrink around your product. Do not pull it real tight around the basket. 

Tammy happen to have a heat gun. Me?? I would have just pulled out my blow-dryer (that's the stylist in me) I don't think it would have worked though. HAHA

You want to keep your distance with the heat gun using constant motion. 

I had some of this really cute breast cancer ribbon and used it to tie a bow around the basket. Putting on finishing touches are endless. I just wanted simple.

And. WAA-LAA you have a great gift basket whether it's for a gift or give-away. 
Easy Peasy!!

I  needed a few more things to make this mission complete. A box for the tickets.
I bought this box at Michael's for $1.99 and the bow for $1.09 and made a pretty little sign with a list of everything in the basket.

I just glued the list on the box with a glue stick, cut a hole in the top of the box and added the bow.

 And, simple as that you have a donation/raffle box.

{ohh! I need to clean up that slit in the box}

I made up simple raffle tickets.

And, a nice little sign about the give-away.

And, here you have it. The display at the salon.

Making this basket and raffling it off is the least I can do for someone special. It's sometimes the little things that mean so much to someone. And, I feel that we should all pay it forward and do something special whether you know the person or not...It's the least we can do for someone going through a difficult time.

Breast cancer awareness month might almost be over but unfortunately breast cancer is not!

If anyone would like to make a donation to help Jenise I have set up a "Human Tribe Project". You can either purchase a tribe chain or just make a donation. 

The proceeds will go straight to Jenise. 

To make a donation, click --->>  Jenise's Tribe

Or, if you know someone in need..

 Whether it's cancer, a transplant, an accident or any crisis really, your friend needs support and this is where you give it. Create a free Tribe Page, email the people you know will care, build support and help your friend pay the bills.

It's holiday time...perfect for making gift baskets!!!
See how easy it is??

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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Vision Board

Do you know what my vision is???

(I will blog about this later)

Anyways! When I am not at the salon I am in my home office, either painting or blogging or pinning - 
OK, Let's just say on the computer!

I have so many things that run through my head that I will sit here and stare at this wall...

I've been wanting to do a vision dream board and I thought this would be the perfect place to put one. Then I can put all the things I dream about (Realistically). We are hoping to buy a new house by summer and I plan on using this dream board to keep me on track. When I go to do online shopping (which I do often) I can look at my dream board and be reminded of what's more important. 

I have a 40% off coupon to Hobby Lobby (I know here I go again). So, I made a trip to buy my dream board supplies. Cheaply that is!!

I picked up a cork board, push pins, spray adhesive, a wall decal and a yard of fabric. My goal is to do my office/craft room in French Vintage so I might as well start now so I will have it for my new home.

I bought a 24 X 36 Cork board so it would be big enough to go above my desk.

I really wanted to by a piece of cork and put a custom frame around it but it was more then I was willing to spend at this time...(I'm proud I made that decision, first cut back towards by goal to save money)

I painted the wood of the cork board black and sprayed adhesive on the cork and covered it with the piece of fabric. All I have to say about spray adhesive is "HOLY STICKY". This is the first time I used it and it works like a charm but tacky tacky tacky!!!

I am really happy with how my dream board turned out so far.

I wanted to add some kind of encouraging words to put on the board. I thought of buying wood letters and attaching the word, "Believe" to the cork board. I gathered up the letters and was walking through the store and saw the perfect saying to go with my dream board.

Isn't it perfect???

Here's how it looks above the desk...

(NEXT: Re-doing the top of the desk)

It all fits perfectly just like I visioned and that does not happen too often. I went on Pinterest made collages of some of my favorite decorating ideas, and some home ideas I just love, and pinned them to my dream board. I do believe this will truly inspire me to keep my dreams on track.

Wow! What a big difference the dream board has made.

I look forward to keeping you all informed how well this works for me. 

So, far not so good!!!

I couldn't help myself, I saw this bag and absolutely fell in LOVE with it. Tell me you could have walked away from this beautiful bag???

Ok...Ok!!! My dream board goals start NOW!!

(They can come true)

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Saturday, October 13, 2012

A little more fall decor!!

As I surf around blog land I get a little jealous of all the fabulous fall decor. I decorated my dining table and that was going to be good enough for me this year. We downsized for one year and I didn't want to add to the already clutter I have. WELL, I am here to tell you that it didn't work. 


1. They opened a brand new Hobby Lobby 5 minutes from my house.
2. I read too many good blogs with great fall decor.
3. Everything at Hobby Lobby is 40% and 50% off.
4. I spend too many hours a day on Pinterest.
5. Hobby Lobby sent me a 40% off coupon.

Isn't it dreamy....

I might have a problem, I have been here 3 times in 3 days. This is the biggest store I have ever seen. I didn't know where I wanted to go first then I found a few of my favorite things.

~Screaming with excitement~

I bought something from each of these isles and my love of Apothecary jars at 40% off sent me in a tail spin!

Now, Let's get decorating! But, first I needed some pine cones  good thing for me my best friend lives across the street so I am breaking into her back yard!!

Look what we have here ;-)

Now the real fun begins. I have a shelf that sits next to the desk in the living room that was perfect to decorate for fall. You can see it from every room in the house.

I framed a fall piece of subway art that I found online and pulled out my new Apothecary Jar 
(still screaming with excitement) and filled it with fake fall leaves and the stolen pine cones..LOL!!

Added some swags and decorative pumpkins.

I have created this beautiful arrangement on my bookshelf that I can admire until Thanksgiving.

I had so much fun doing this that I did not want to stop there. I have a few things I can put on the tables in my living room. When you have a vision of what you would like something to look like, and if you are like me, you move things around about a 100 time before you give it a home.

So, you can imagine how many times I moved these little beauties around.

But, my coffee table was the hardest for me. 

{Don't be hatin...I know you love my couch}

Nothing was feeling right for me. I moved things around and made another trip to Hobby Lobby.
Shhhh!! Don't tell hubby. 

We have a winner!!

Now to do something with this mess....

Nothing a little organizing won't take care of... ;-)

Here are some before and afters...

And, the mess looks so much better. Don't you think?

Well, I hope you enjoyed the little fall tour of my home. It's not much but it's a start, especially for someone who said "We are not buying anything new for this house". My bad!

Did I mention Hobby Lobby...LOL