Saturday, October 13, 2012

A little more fall decor!!

As I surf around blog land I get a little jealous of all the fabulous fall decor. I decorated my dining table and that was going to be good enough for me this year. We downsized for one year and I didn't want to add to the already clutter I have. WELL, I am here to tell you that it didn't work. 


1. They opened a brand new Hobby Lobby 5 minutes from my house.
2. I read too many good blogs with great fall decor.
3. Everything at Hobby Lobby is 40% and 50% off.
4. I spend too many hours a day on Pinterest.
5. Hobby Lobby sent me a 40% off coupon.

Isn't it dreamy....

I might have a problem, I have been here 3 times in 3 days. This is the biggest store I have ever seen. I didn't know where I wanted to go first then I found a few of my favorite things.

~Screaming with excitement~

I bought something from each of these isles and my love of Apothecary jars at 40% off sent me in a tail spin!

Now, Let's get decorating! But, first I needed some pine cones  good thing for me my best friend lives across the street so I am breaking into her back yard!!

Look what we have here ;-)

Now the real fun begins. I have a shelf that sits next to the desk in the living room that was perfect to decorate for fall. You can see it from every room in the house.

I framed a fall piece of subway art that I found online and pulled out my new Apothecary Jar 
(still screaming with excitement) and filled it with fake fall leaves and the stolen pine cones..LOL!!

Added some swags and decorative pumpkins.

I have created this beautiful arrangement on my bookshelf that I can admire until Thanksgiving.

I had so much fun doing this that I did not want to stop there. I have a few things I can put on the tables in my living room. When you have a vision of what you would like something to look like, and if you are like me, you move things around about a 100 time before you give it a home.

So, you can imagine how many times I moved these little beauties around.

But, my coffee table was the hardest for me. 

{Don't be hatin...I know you love my couch}

Nothing was feeling right for me. I moved things around and made another trip to Hobby Lobby.
Shhhh!! Don't tell hubby. 

We have a winner!!

Now to do something with this mess....

Nothing a little organizing won't take care of... ;-)

Here are some before and afters...

And, the mess looks so much better. Don't you think?

Well, I hope you enjoyed the little fall tour of my home. It's not much but it's a start, especially for someone who said "We are not buying anything new for this house". My bad!

Did I mention Hobby Lobby...LOL



  1. you definitely have an eye densye, gorgeous, have been decluttering all weekend. went to my sisters on thursday to help her clean and she is coming to mine this thursday, so we are doing major decluttering so house will be ready for her thursday, man o man is it a great feeling it is coming along, ity feels so good to get rid of junk...

    you look fabulous, Love, Alice

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Alice! Good luck tackling your clutter it seems to be a never ending job. And, it is a rewarding feeling when you finish it!

      Have a Crazy Beautiful week!!

  2. I LOVE that pumpkin on your desk! And everything else turned out sooo nice too. I really need to get some more seasonal stuff. Right now I just have a couple little pumpkins I got at wal-mart :)

  3. Love Hobby Lobby! Great finds :).

    Morgan @ PDB

  4. Your new blog design is beautiful (LOVE the deep purple)! And you did a great job with your decor. Thanks for stopping by my blog & commenting!


  5. Your fall decorations are gorgeous. I think you may have a Hobby Lobby addiction :) Thanks for sharing.
    Ali x

  6. Absolutely beautiful! You did a fantastic job! I just love Hobby Lobby. Thanks for linking up to the CHQ blog hop this week and make sure you enter the giveaway! Hope to see you back next week!

    1. Thanks, Jill! I will make sure I stop back and link up.

  7. You've done a wonderful job with the fall decorating! Inspiring me to get busy. :)


    1. Thanks, Crystal! I hope you do get inspired, it means I did my job ;-)

  8. GREAT job decorating! It was all on you're good ;o)

    I'm super jealous that you have a brand new Hobby Lobby! Ours has been around forever and is in need of some TLC (but I should be grateful we have one because I know a lot of places don't have them!)

    Thanks so much for partying with us this week @ Keep Calm & Link Up!
    xo, Meredith @

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Meredith! My hubby I'm sure is wishing we didn't have a hobby lobby especially down the road..LOL

  9. LOVE me some Hobby Lobby. I have a shopping problem there :) Your decor looks amazing!!
    Thanks for sharing at Artsy Corner! Hope to see you again this week :)

    1. Thanks for visiting, Lindsay! I might have to start a Hobby Lobby anonymous group...LOL

  10. I love what you have done - it looks so cozy & harverst-y (is that a word??) I wish there was a Hobby Lobby near me- sadly I dont have access. I would love to know where you found the subway art- it is so perfect! Thanks for your blog- it is great to see what you have done.

    1. Hi Kacey! I have some great subway art pinned on my Pinterest. Feel free to go check it out.

  11. I love your new additions! You are once again the favorite of my link party so I'm featuring you!

    Thanks so much for linking up!


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