Wednesday, November 2, 2011

30 Days of "Thanks" Challenge: Day 2

Today I am "Thankful" for "FRIENDS"...
Without my friends I'm not sure that I would be able to do the things I do and yet keep my sanity...It's good to have them when you are having bad days and good days...They understand me and don't judge me!!
The love and support I get from them is sometimes overwhelming...I am truly blessed to have them in my life..

Carrie -Me- Kara

Another dear friend I have also blogs...Roberta over at Love Shack Living ...We have been threw so much together and have so much in common that sometimes I don't know what I would do without her...I love having a fellow blogger as a friend...she really keeps me inspired!!!

(Wish I saw her more)

Real friends don't judge you...make you feel bad about yourself...or compete with you...they support you...give you joy and show you that you can trust them fully!!!

I have also met (well virtually) some friends and fellow blogger's...You all have a special place in my heart too ;-)

"Thanks for Being my FRIENDS"




  1. I am grateful for the fingerprints left on my stainless steel refrigerator. As I cleaned them off, I thought how blessed I am to have so many little people in my life, leaving evidence of their presence in my home.

  2. Ahhh...thanks girlfriend! I'm so thankful to have you back in blog've been sorely missed ;} I also wish we were closer so we could have more days of hanging out in B&N and devouring all those decorating magazines! Hopefully once the holidays are over, we can meet up again for another fun girls day out! This time I think we need to go for pedicures, Starbucks and then B&N...sounds like a plan {hugs} Roberta


I read and appreciate every comment... I will ALWAYS answer questions and do my best to reply to every comment...but make sure your email is enabled on your profile (without your e-mail I can't "Thank-You" for your kind words...Thanks for visiting :-)