Thursday, November 3, 2011

30 Days of "Thanks" Challenge: Day 3


Today I am "Thankful" for "My Laptop"

What would we do without our computers???

(yahoo image)

HAHA!!! I don't think so...

With all the blogging, decorating, art, networking I do...I would be...

(yahoo image)

With my laptop I have the flexibility to move about the house and take it with me wherever I go if I need it...It is great to keep in touch with friends and family that live far away...Oh and the picture sharing I do
 (darn pinterest)

Without my laptop I would not have met all my virtual friends...LOL

(yahoo image)

It really does make one's life so much easier for so many reasons!!

So again I will say I am Thankful for my Laptop :-)

(yahoo image)


1 comment:

  1. Actually, I was going to say I am thankful for the sticky kiss I received from my grandson earlier today....And I think I will stick with that. My fingers are still brushing up against the sugar in my hair. : ) But, because I am going to be out of town for a few days, probably without computer access...I will ditto your gratitude for your laptop.

    Blessings as you continue considering your blessings and gratitudes. I will hopefully be able to check back on Sunday.


I read and appreciate every comment... I will ALWAYS answer questions and do my best to reply to every comment...but make sure your email is enabled on your profile (without your e-mail I can't "Thank-You" for your kind words...Thanks for visiting :-)