Tuesday, November 1, 2011

30 Days of "Thanks" Challenge!!

I can't believe it's November already...Where did the time go???

For the next 30 days I'm going to give you all the reasons I'm "Thankful"...

Please join in the challenge!!

Today I am Thankful for my Family!!

I do not have a huge house...a brand-new car or lots of money...What I do have is an amazing family and memories that will last forever!!!!



  1. Today I am thankful for friends I can share my worse health fears...and they listen without thinking they have to "make me feel better." Just listen and for that I am thankful.

  2. Hello! Thank you so much for linking up on my blog! I love your photo and you do have a big family! My husband and I are just getting started on ours and we want to have 4 eventually if God allows. I hope you are enjoying this challenge. I'm hoping that we can all realize just how much we have to be thankful for!

  3. Always thankful for my family...they are all that really matters and we are always being shown that ;} I'm also thankful that I can shut down your playlist...have you listened to the Carol King song? oh my...lol


I read and appreciate every comment... I will ALWAYS answer questions and do my best to reply to every comment...but make sure your email is enabled on your profile (without your e-mail I can't "Thank-You" for your kind words...Thanks for visiting :-)