Monday, November 12, 2012

Week in Review...

How many new "Pins" did I add to my boards this week:   29 (lazy girl)

The "Best" part of my week: Receiving a card from my dear friend Jenise that has breast cancer. You can read about her here.

The "Worst" part of my week:  Finding out I have an $800 medical bill to pay...That puts a damper on the Holidays...geeesh!!!  :-(

Current Project: Too Many. Covering books for decor, Christmas wreath and jazzing up my book shelves.

This week's goal: Decorating one book shelf at a time and reading my magazines.

Last week's goal progress: Well that was a big fat fail. All I had to do was read two magazines I had laying around and I only got to one. And, I received a couple more in the mail (goodness I will never catch up)

What I am currently  reading:  Still reading (such a slacker), "Young House Love" ...If you have not purchased this book, I HIGHLY recommend it! It's a must have for any DIY'er.

Week in Photos: Follow me on Instagram

Week in Fashion: 

One thing about me: I'm a Hair Stylist



  1. Found your page fromthe CHQ blog hop. I am happy I did. What a busy week you have had.

    I am now following your Pinterest, blog and facebook! Hope you will come visit me!
    Cynthia at

  2. How sweet of your friend to send you a card, and don't you wish we could do away with medical bills? We pay for our own medical insurance (I could not work...if we didn't have that HUGE bill evey month) and we still have medical stinks in my book. Hope you have a wonderful weekend...I better get back to cleaning:(



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