Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Color Inspiration #2

Monochromatic Turquoise

"Life is a great big canvas...Throw all the color on it you can"...

In a monochromatic color scheme, one color completely dominates a room. This week we are going to look at what Turquoise can do for a room. I personally am not a big fan of monochromatic but I think even I can find the joy in each room!

OK!!! It's not home decor but it is monochromatic and quite beautiful. This is the kind of turquoise I would love to be looking at!!




  1. Ooooh I really love the second one! I love turquoise in big, saturated doses like this (NOT pastel), and this color, along with a bright sunshine-y yellow inspire me. They're bright and clean, and I want everything around that color to be that way too :D

    1. Hi Kristin! The second is my favorite as well...I've been eyeing that chair up.

      Thanks for visiting, please come back and see what I am up to.

      Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

  2. They are all lovely rooms but I am afraid I would get bored quickly with the monochromatic look. I do love turquoise though. Thanks for dropping by and I am a new follower. xo, Sherry

  3. I absolutely love blues and greens right now. The second room is my cup of tea but that kitchen!? Wow! I would bake all day if I had a kitchen that looked that gorgeous!

  4. Ooh I love turquoise! I'm using it (and pink and yellow) as accent colors in my little girl's nursery.
    Thanks for the comment on my Photo Canvas DIY =)

  5. What a great collection of turquoise! Its the accent color in my dining room. My brain is on overload with new ideas. Thanks for posting this. New Follower.


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