They are thrown in a basket, piled on a shelf, sitting on a table, and not to mention the stack I get in the mail I haven't even looked at yet. I'm sure I am not the only one that has magazines all over the place. I always keep them thinking I will need to comeback to the great idea I found. Now, that is funny because I wouldn't know where to begin to find that idea.
I was thinking I really need to organize these magazines without keeping them. It took me a while to come up with an idea that would work for me and not create more clutter. I pulled out my craft tote and found some page protectors. This is a good start!
I think I have everything. Let's get started!!
The first binder is for "My Home". It is filled with all kinds of neat ideas for the house. I not only cut out ideas in the magazines, I also cut out phrases and words. I use them through out many of my journals. This one I used "Your Home" from one of the magazines and cut out photos of different areas of the home and pasted them on a piece of scrap paper and made the cover of "My Home" journal.
The different categories are: Living room, Kitchen, Bedroom, Office, Bath. And, in those categories I have some sub-categories such as Laundry, Bedroom 1, Bedroom 2, Foyer.
In each category, I add any ideas that I find that I love about each room of the house.
Some I slide down in page protectors.
And, some I glue on scrap paper and make notes about anything specific I like about each one.
My second binder is full of decorating and organizing inspirations.
My categories for this journal is: Color, Shelves, DIY, Organize, and Outdoors.
This is where I keep color combinations I like...
Shelf decor ideas, any good DIY projects...
Organizing ideas and dreamy outdoor projects. It's still a work in progress. But, at least I will have all my decorating and organizing "LIKES" in two places. Either on the shelf or on "Pinterest".
I think I might be on my way to being organized. OK! not really but it's a start.