Sunday, November 6, 2011

30 Days of "Thanks" Challenge: Day 6


Today I am "Thankful" for My Parents...

It's not what they gave's not where they took is what they taught me...

Even though growing up I didn't think I was taught anything...mean parents...never let me have or do anything...

Those where my famous words growing up!!

Now that I look back I was nothing but selfish...It just took me growing up and being a parent to realize it...The whole time they were teaching me to be respectful...honest...caring and unselfish...That there is more to life then material things...

It just took alot of life's ups and downs for me to figure it all out and I am still learning...

As a parent of grown kids I instilled alot of those values in them...YEP!! I'm sure they were cussing me out as well...LOL

I never really thanked my parents for being the wonderful parents they are...They taught me so much in life and I wouldn't be the person I am today if it wasn't for them...they must be doing something right in life they will be married for 47 yrs....

Thanks Mom & Dad


1 comment:

  1. Oh...could I ditto your gratitude post. I'm still so blessed to have both my parents. Whenever they say, "Hello" on answering the phone, I say a silent prayer that I relish that moment.

    What gets even better is when a daughter calls or writes her mom (aka me) thanking me for....

    We take these relationships for granted far to often! So, this morning I will simply ditto what you have written.


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