Sunday, November 6, 2011

30 Days of "Thanks" Challenge: Day 5

OK...I missed yesterday so I will post 2 today to make up for it...I was busy with a yardsale yesterday that didn't go as good as I would have likeD...But, that's another post for another day...


Today I am "Thankful" for My Sense of Hearing!!!

Sometimes we take things for granted and I think our hearing is one of them...You never really quite think about it as being a blessing...I was sitting here this morning in my recliner and enjoying the quietness of the house...When all of a sudden I heard the trickling of the rain outside...

As I sat hear listening to the rain fall I started to think about all the other things I am blessed to hear...

The voices and laughter of my family...

We all love when it's quiet...I know I do...But, the thought of not hearing the daily things we take for granted would be so devastating...especially since we have been blessed with hearing...

Another thing I listen to is MUSIC...

Not sure what I would do with out that one...I can listen to anything that reflects my mood and it can also be calming...The harmonious sound of music can be heard in so many ways...whether it's the radio...concert or a child humming a tune...

I am "Thankful" I can hear the different sounds of life everyday!!



  1. I'm thankful to have gone to and fro ... and everyone arrived back "fro" all well.

    I'm also thankful for the time and courage this afternoon after returning home to clean out my "cookbook" cabinet. I've a great pile to take to Half Price and those that are not in good enough condition will make their way to recycling. I can always hear the voices of my daughters saying, "Thank you, Mom!" when I get motivated to declutter.

  2. Oh I have some books that need cleaned out...Way to be motivated, Sandi!!!


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