Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dress that dresser up...

We are at an end of re-doing the furniture for my daughter's room...the fun of decorating it now begins...she should be home in a week (I'm thinking she likes being gone)...I haven't seen her since the middle of May :(
(I will be singing a different tune when she gets long will sweet 16 last???)

I decided to paint her white dresser black to match the daybed are so hard on their furniture and not to mention alot of moving doesn't help...

I went out to the garage to see what I had handy and I'm in business...

Well let me tell you....Live and learn!!! I would not use this paint on anything ever was THICK and would not dry for a shit crap...

But...I managed to get it done I just had to wait 3 days for it to dry...I just need the dresser to last 2 more years...I do think the black paint (as much as a pain as it was) turned out good...
(note to self: find some better paint next time)

Now I'm ready to put the knobs back on....I had bought the silver knobs a couple years ago when I painted the dresser white so I'm keeping them...they look great against the black...I even had to add this cute little lamp I got at the dollar tree for $5...

Now the big dresser reveal...

Wait for it...

Wait for it...

Taa Daa...

Now the fun decorating starts and I'm looking forward to sharing it with you all...
Here's one more look at the before & after...Isn't it amazing how a coat of paint can give something a whole new look (even if the paint did suck)...LOL


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A look at my day...

I figured since it's been awhile since I pulled out my Canon Rebel and my beautiful camera tote from Jototes it was about time...
(so much easier to take photos with my Canon Powershot)

I really need to learn how to use this camera and the 3 different lenses I have (so I keep telling myself)...
One day!!! So, for now I thought I would capture my day...

I had a little company grand-dog "Mocha"...

He's staying with me for a week while my daughter is taking a week long summer class...he's so entertaining...we spent hours playing and snuggling (he's such a cuddle bug)...

It was time to get up and do something creative or productive today...It's not the big things that get to me it's all the little stuff....Oh my!!!!

As I was looking around to see what I wanted to do I started realizing the little things are piling up...and how fast....

1. The catch-all counter (basically the dumping ground for whatever is in your hands) 2. Every time I pass that mirror I keep saying I'm going to darken the wood frame 3. How long will that Lowe's bag sit on that door knob along with the small waste basket (they go in the garage and the garage door is right next too it) 4. Best place to keep the cordless battery charger plugged in...ON THE DINING ROOM FLOOR!! 5. I'm the one that yells when the daughter or hubby leaves shows by the door...MY BAD!!! 6. Not sure why those buns are sitting on the counter...7. A beautiful shelve a dear friend and fellow blogger gave me and I've yet to fill the shelves...8. I brought those boxes in from the garage (major clean out- a later blog story) they are to go in a closet and still sitting on the floor...BY THE ENTRANCE!!! 9. And, how about that clock I would like to paint black that is still sitting on the floor in the dining room...SLACKER!!!

I spotted all this standing in one spot in my house...I didn't dare go look any farther...So I think I will go outside with Mocha and enjoy all the things summer brings...Not to mention little man needs to go outside...

But he didn't need to pee on my curtains....

It still didn't stop me from enjoying my yard...

OK!! Well not all things are enjoyable...

This is was a tennis ball that Mocha is crazy about...once he's not looking it will be time for it to hit the trash can...but for now all he wants to do is play catch...

It's too hot to make a day out of it so he pooped out quickly and hid under the lawn furniture...

It was a gorgeous day in the "Carolina's"... Even the little squirrel on the fence was pooped out!!

It's time to get this little one out of the heat and away from that mess of a tennis ball...LOL

Besides I have some blogs to read....and seeing how I blog anywhere in my home that I want...I'm going to relax in the living room and do it...

I have everything I need right here...

Pssttt...Want to know a secret??? I've been known to watch an occasional soap opera....HAHA
Can you guess which one this is???

OK..OK...Back to what's important...blogging...

Well off to catch up...Hope you enjoyed my uneventful day...
Those don't happen too often around here...


Monday, July 25, 2011

Daybed Makeover...

I'm just moving right along in the makeover of my 16 yr olds room...Time to paint some furniture and I'm starting with her daybed...It's a white iron daybed that has been moved so many times it does not seem to clean up very well anymore...

(Photo was taken in her old room)

We never put her bed together when we moved in June (she's at camp for the summer)...It is the perfect time to re-do her bedroom and paint that bed....Let's grab that black spray paint and get started...

Two ends and a back to spray...this should be quick...
(It's hot & humid I better hurry up)

Ha-Ha those saw horses used to be half red....I told my hubby that's what happens when I get a hold of spray paint...It goes EVERYWHERE!!!!
The bed is looking great...I like the black...don't you???

These 95 + degree days in NC make it hard to do anything outside...So if I'm not out there early working on a project I might as well forget it the rest of the day....

The spray painting was quick and easy and it dried in good time...and if you remember me telling you earlier that I told my hubby that when I get hold of a can of spray paint it goes EVERYWHERE...

Note to self: GET SOME RUBBER GLOVES!!!!

Yep!!! I just got my nails done :( ....time for another manicure :)

The bed turned out great...I love the black...I am getting excited for my daughter to come home and see her new room....

I have a bunch of inspirational pillows to put on her bed and a bed skirt...but those things will be the last minute touches....

There seems to be an elegance to taking a piece of furniture and painting it black...She does have some white bookshelves in her room but once I paint the dresser black they might have to stay white...that might be too much black in her room...but we will see and you can help me decide....

For now here's the before & after of the bed...

Next up...the dresser!!!!

(Old lime green & pink bedroom...I will blog on someday)

Check back on the teen bedroom makeover or whatever else I seem to be sharing...Knowing me one never knows what I might come up with....


Thursday, July 21, 2011

From Entrance to Teen Room Art...

I have been working on my daughters room and I transformed a couple pieces of artwork that use to hang in my entrance and turned it into fun teen art...

This is what I started with...

It's a nice piece of art but with all the moving we have done the past few years it was damaged and I just had no use to hang it....

I figured I could do something with it...hmmm (thinking cap) needs to be bright and fun for a teen girls to Michael's I went and bought some mod podge and found this fun scrapbook paper and it was the perfect size....(doing the happy dance...woot woot)...

Aren't these colors and designs going to be fun????

The first think I needed to do was scrape all the paper on the old decor....It was really easy...I just sprayed some vinegar water and it bubbled right up and scraped off....(no mishaps this time)...whew!!!

Once the paper was off I lightly sanded it and wiped it down....

I layed all the scrapbook paper out to find the best placement that I thought looked best and started to mod podge....

 Taaa Daaa.....

The top right square that has notebook lines needs a "quote" so I will be working on that....but for now I think they turned out pretty darn good....

I hung them on the wall in her room to see how they would look....(sorry for the bad pics...I need to work on my camera skills) I will have better pics as I continue to do her room....

Here's everyone's favorite photo...
Before & After...

What's next??? It's time to go paint some white furniture black ;)


Monday, July 18, 2011

Tote Love...

If you know me or follow my "Crazy" life than you know how much I am obsessed with tote bags...

One for my Canon for my for the for my coupons....Oh you get the idea....

I just got another tote for when I'm organizing....woo hoo (that's another blog)

I just had to share with you how much I love totes and found the ULTIMATE TOTE BAG!!!

Wait for it...Wait for it...Wait for it....


Is this not the best bag you have ever seen???


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Teen Room Project #1

Since we moved into our new home I have not made any effort to fix our 16 yr old daughter (Caitlyn) room...It actually still looks like the day we moved in...She is gone for the summer so I figured I would save it for last...

I've been doing so much this summer to the house that I decided to take a step back and tackle one room at a time until it is COMPLETELY done...go ahead and laugh (now really are we ever completely done)
 I vote NO!!

I am now concentrating on my daughter's room...I have about 3 weeks before she comes I go again working under pressure...I CRAZY love it...

Let me first say, "IF BLOOD MAKES YOU QUEASY...DON'T LOOK"...

My daughter loves colors...all sorts of crazy colors so I figured what a fun way to do a teens room...lots and lots of COLOR...and I also wanted to incorporate her favorite things in the room...

Now it's off to start one wall at a time...and the first wall is behind her bed...(which is not set up yet)...she has a white day bed I want to paint black (another project)... Here's the wall we are working on...

I was thinking a picture wall but I know the room will change once she goes away to college in a couple years so I wanted something simple....I'm still going to do photos of her favorite things...just in a different let's gather a few things...

A curtain rod....picture glue gun...ribbon and scissors...

I have some pictures I printed on plain paper of her favorite things and cut them to fit in the frames...and let me tell you about cheap frames and the glass that's in them...SHARP!!!

As soon as I got one to stop bleeding and a band-aid...I do it again...

OK...let's see if I can get this project finished without anymore mishaps...

I have all the photos in frames...

Now it's time to hot glue the ribbon on the back of the frames and hang them from the curtain rod....

Here's the mini subway art I did for Caitlyn and attached purple ribbon on the back...

Here ya have it....a simple photo wall with a bit of "Peace" and "Love"

The wall looks much better with some decor on it...Don't ya think???

I have project #2 in the works...I can't wait for you to see it ;)