Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Teen Room Project #1

Since we moved into our new home I have not made any effort to fix our 16 yr old daughter (Caitlyn) room...It actually still looks like the day we moved in...She is gone for the summer so I figured I would save it for last...

I've been doing so much this summer to the house that I decided to take a step back and tackle one room at a time until it is COMPLETELY done...go ahead and laugh (now really are we ever completely done)
 I vote NO!!

I am now concentrating on my daughter's room...I have about 3 weeks before she comes I go again working under pressure...I CRAZY love it...

Let me first say, "IF BLOOD MAKES YOU QUEASY...DON'T LOOK"...

My daughter loves colors...all sorts of crazy colors so I figured what a fun way to do a teens room...lots and lots of COLOR...and I also wanted to incorporate her favorite things in the room...

Now it's off to start one wall at a time...and the first wall is behind her bed...(which is not set up yet)...she has a white day bed I want to paint black (another project)... Here's the wall we are working on...

I was thinking a picture wall but I know the room will change once she goes away to college in a couple years so I wanted something simple....I'm still going to do photos of her favorite things...just in a different let's gather a few things...

A curtain rod....picture glue gun...ribbon and scissors...

I have some pictures I printed on plain paper of her favorite things and cut them to fit in the frames...and let me tell you about cheap frames and the glass that's in them...SHARP!!!

As soon as I got one to stop bleeding and a band-aid...I do it again...

OK...let's see if I can get this project finished without anymore mishaps...

I have all the photos in frames...

Now it's time to hot glue the ribbon on the back of the frames and hang them from the curtain rod....

Here's the mini subway art I did for Caitlyn and attached purple ribbon on the back...

Here ya have it....a simple photo wall with a bit of "Peace" and "Love"

The wall looks much better with some decor on it...Don't ya think???

I have project #2 in the works...I can't wait for you to see it ;)



  1. Ouch...boy that cut looked bad! I'm usually burning myself with the glue know the burn that peels the skin off kind? lol
    Love the way the wall turned out...where did you get all of your energy? Kevin and I went out to dinner last night and I had a little too much too drink and now I'm paying for it...that will teach me! So no major projects for me today other than trying to finish my blog post that I started yesterday ;)

  2. Great looking project.

    Stopping by from the Friday hops to say hello.
    Have a great day!

  3. SO sorry you got attacked by your frames, but they came out cute!!! I am visiting from Reasons To Skip The Housework and I am a new follower!!! Hope you have a great week and I see you around soon!

  4. SO sorry you got attacked by your frames, but they came out cute!!! I am visiting from Reasons To Skip The Housework and I am a new follower!!! Hope you have a great week and I see you around soon!

  5. I love it. Very creative way to do a gallery wall.

    I love the subway art - I made some very similar for my son last year that hangs on the door to his bedroom.

    Found you via the link party at Confessions of a Stay at Home Mom.


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