Sunday, March 27, 2011

Will it end???

Just when you think you have something the way you want sit back and look at it and realize it's all wrong or it's not what you really like...drives me nuts...I'm alway changing something...just wish I could get it right and move on to the next 500 things I have on my home re-do list...

Have you ever had to just have something and once you got it don't know what to do with it??? I had BIG ideas in my head when I first saw the Expedit shelving unit at IKEA hubby even went as far to get me some baskets and cabinet doors for it for storage...LOVED IT!!!

Got it home and all set up and it just sat and became a catch all for all the things I didn't know what to do with...I had an idea in my head of what I wanted but I just couldn't find exactly what I wanted to put on here it sits....

Hey this doesn't look bad it just needs some TLC (Totally loaded clutter)...This is what happens when you are busy...out of town...and are still in search of the perfect shelf decor' ... (ok...maybe just a little lazy)...

See what a little TLC does...LOL

That is enough to drive someone with OCD to a padded room...Now it's time to get rid of everything and start all over...I've been trying to find some vases that match the office for the top of the Expedit and after weeks of searching for the right colors and price I finally found them at TJ Maxx...How can you beat $22 for 3 vases???
I think adding a mirror was just what it needed...Not that I can look in 5'1" it makes it hard to even see the dust... ;)

Now it's time to put everything back on the shelf...Not easy...I got rid of half of the clutter so there is not much left...My organization books were the only thing that was a definite save...(I should probably read them) that's another blog!!!

Well after some TLC (Totally losing clutter) and putting the things back on the shelf unit that I wanted to keep...I have a lot of empty space (sounds like retail therapy to me)...

It took me weeks to figure out what I wanted on top of the will I ever figure out what to put on the rest...Might have to hit Barnes & Noble...

I really did know what I wanted to do with the shelf ... and I could spend all day walking around the house moving shelf items around...But, like I said "Will it end"???...CRAZY...



  1. Love the IKEA expedit bookcases...they are my favorite for storage...however they can be tricky when it comes to display. I think it's the white doors that are "stopping" the eyes from flowing and seeing your beautiful mini-displays inside the cubes. Here's some more ideas if you need anymore inpiration:
    Hope this helps...and bookcases are never done...I so agree.

  2. I was thinking the samething about the white doors, Roberta! I think they may look better across the bottom (Chris went overboard...LOL)!!

  3. Included this blog post in mine today and you might want to check out this link party as well ;)

    Also...I like the idea of moving them down...but also how about you painting on them...some of your artwork would be great. If you don't want it to be permanent you could just glue your images on.


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