Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bookshelf Baffling

I have a blogging buddy that gets me going...I've been having a "Will it End" moment when it comes to my bookshelves...My blogging buddy Roberta of Con-Tain-it decided to dig in and re-do her shelves...She makes it look so effortless when she did some Spring Cleaning on her bookshelves...

I love having bookshelves but they just are not making me happy lately and it's time to step away from them for a few days..Sometimes you just have to do that...But, before I go here's the dilemma...

I like the bookshelves in the living room...It's where I keep all my novels and some photos that are important to me...If I start messing with them now I might have to get me some zanax ;)

And, NO!! I have not read all them books...It's just one of my many obsessions...

Now let's go upstairs to the office...I spend most of my time in this room and my bookshelves are driving me CRAZY...I had them all organized when I first settled into our "Temporary Home"...

Should have left well enough alone...NAHHH!!! Not me...I removed some school books and art books I will never look at again...I put them babies on half.com ...so now I have room and a HOT MESS!!!

I guess it's time to consolidate and see what space I have and go from there...I think I've moved the same photo about 50x's trying to find the perfect spot...One shelf down (I think)...

I moved all the art books together...the magazine holders I got at IKEA ...I think it was a pack of 5 for $4 (they are cardboard)...I spray painted them and decorated with vinyl lettering...I'm surprised they have lasted with all the moves we've made in the past 5 yrs...(another blog)... The hinged boxes on top came from Michael's...you have to love 50% off coupons...they are the perfect boxes for those annoying files you have to keep handy (forever) like TAXES...~eye roll~

I could go back to the Expedit shelving unit but that exhausted me already this week...I did move some of the white cabinets to the bottom...I couldn't move the top one because hubby already screwed it in...

I might have to un-screw it...or maybe the problem is that they are "WHITE"...I might have to get out the spray paint ~THINKING~ (not always a good thing)..

One thing I do know is that I need MORE books...Yep!!! Amazon.com got me in trouble today...I should read the books I have first...but, like my blogging buddy Roberta...I read more than one at a time ;)



  1. Just thought of another great idea for the "white" spaces...stencil a damask design or add one of your vinyl word quotes. OR better yet...cover them with zebra duck tape...lol Sorry I had to go there ;) I know how you feel about your bookcases...especially when you bring something else in to add and it starts the sorting/moving all over again. That's why I haven't gotten much done with my storage cause it's too much stuff! You'll get there...just keep on looking and gathering ideas and you'll know it when you see it. Unless of course you are avoiding doing your homework and the bookcases become a welcome distration ;)

  2. I have an idea for the "white" doors...now I just need to make it happen...I have done some sketches...unfortunately a migraine has had me in bed in the dark most of the day...and you know me I "welcome" distractions ;-)

  3. Stopping by after your kind comment on my blog! I really like how you added the vinyl words to your magazine holders... very clever!


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