Monday, January 21, 2013

Big Announcement!!

Yep!! I said AGAIN. This will be our 8th move in 8 yrs. And, that is another story for another day. I'm not happy about moving again but I am excited for all the endless crafting, decorating, and DIY projects I will be doing. 

So, let me give you a quick tour.

I really wish it had a big front porch, but maybe the next house, ha-ha. Well, don't just stand out there come on in. As you come in the house you are in the living room. 

Excuse the mess we are working on a few things. The floors just got lightly sanded and awaiting a coat of varnish. They will be beautiful in no time. (you know I will show you when they are done) 

Come through the living room to the kitchen. This room needs some work. Those cabinets are getting a coat of paint, I just have to decide if I want to go black or white. Then some new appliances, at least a new fridge. Cabinet space is going to be an issue. But, it's a breath of fresh air compared to my galley kitchen I have now.

As you walk through the kitchen you are in the laundry room.

Across from the laundry room is the 1/2 bath. Don't you just love the mirror?? It will look so much better with some color in that room. Hmm, wonder what color I should paint it!!

Then we have the garage. I am staying the heck out....

Let's go back in the house and head upstairs. Look at that brand new carpet. Now to give them walls some color. When you go upstairs you can take a right and go upstairs to the bonus room or take a left and go upstairs to the bedrooms. 

Let's head to the bonus room. WARNING!!! You might burn your retina on the color of this room..

Holy blue, Right?? Definitely getting a coat of paint. But the floors are gorgeous. Now, let's head to the other side of the house.

The upstairs hallway is pretty big. And, also getting a coat of paint. Any decor ideas?

The bedrooms need some serious color and I am planning on doing something with them ugly flat doors. I am open to some good suggestions.

This will be our youngest room until June. Then it becomes a guest bedroom!

The second bedroom is going to be either the craft room or office. Looking more like the craft room. I have some frustration going on with this decision.

Excuse the mess in the guest bathroom. It's getting a new floor. Then a coat of paint and some cabinet color as well.

Here's the master bedroom. Not as big as I would like but we can't have it all. 

The master bath is also getting a new floor, then some paint as well.

Now the walk-in closet makes me cry! This is going to take some maneuvering to get everything in there. There is some room behind the door as well.

Let's head out back and this will conclude the tour of my new home. Sorry for the bright picture the sun was out in full force. There is a huge cement patio the whole length of the back of the house. And, I do have the furniture to fill it up!!

Thanks for visiting our new home. We should be all moved in by the end of February. I am super excited to transform it in to a beautiful home. There will be lots of painting. So, if you have any good suggestions or ideas I am ready to hear them. 

I hope you come back to watch the progress, let's meet back here every Monday.


Please come vote for me!! Pretty Please!!!




  1. Wow! Congrats! Your new home is beautiful!! Julia @

  2. Congrats!!! Looks like a beautiful home. I hope you enjoy making it yours :)

  3. Congrats on the new home Denyse! I look forward to seeing all the great things you will do with it!

  4. It looks like a great house. I can't wait to see all your updates!! Congrats.
    Susan @ Rustic ReDiscovered

  5. Ooh how exciting! I know moving is a pain and you have lots of hard work ahead of you, but how exciting to have a fresh slate to get things fixed up and looking just the way you like! I can't wait to see everything you do to it. :) Sharon

  6. Wow. 8 moves in 8 years! Oh boy. You're a pro! Your new place looks great. I'd do anything to a bigger place. We are stuck as our place is at least $120,000 less than when we bought it. I guess the good news is I don't have to pack?? :) Can't wait to see all you do!

  7. What a beautiful new home! You are going to have so much fun decorating it! :) Thank you for your visit to my blog and for the invite to your party. Getting ready to link up. I am your new follower!

  8. The beauty of moving that much is, you won't accumulate a lot of junk! I sometimes think a move is what I need. Your new house is so nice. How exciting for you. It's always fun to add your own touches to a new place. Cheers.

  9. I hope after all that work on the new house you get to stay put a little longer! I would hate to do so much just to move again, lol.

  10. I so know how you feel...since being married my husband and I have moved 9 times. :)

    Good luck!!


    very pretty home

  11. Congratulations on number 8! Can not wait to see what you do with the lovely space!

  12. I absolutely HATE moving! How can you do it 8 times in 8 years. I wouldn't have a single hair left in my head...because I would have pulled them all out by then. You are a stronger woman than I!

    It is a lovely home...hope you get to stay in this one a while :-)


  13. Wow 8 moves! and yes.. best part about moving is the decorating! I love moving though.. I can't stay anywhere for longer than a year! ...but now that I've bought a house, I guess I have no choice.. at least for the next 5 at least :)

    Good Luck on House # 8!


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