Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Mini Tour

Since we have downsized I have been having a hard time getting in the mood to decorate for Christmas. It just seems the more I bring out of storage the more crowded my house feels. I'm not a fan of being crowded or living in clutter. But, it's what I have to deal with until we move, hopefully praying to happen in June.

So here's a piece of my Holiday home.

A few decor items...

I made a couple Holiday mesh wreathes. You can find the tutorial here

You can read all about my Tree Centerpiece here

And, the last thing I made this Holiday season was my Holiday Candle table decor. You can read about it here...

When it comes to Christmas I am very traditional and one of those traditions is an Angel on the tree. 

And, my beautiful manger set under the tree. The Willow Tree set was a gift from my husband and one of my favorite holiday decorations.

It's the first time in 8 yrs that we have not had a mantel so the stockings are hung on the cabinet with care. 

My new purchase this year was this wire snowman Christmas card holder from Pier 1 Imports. 

It's not much and not very exciting. But, I hope you enjoyed my little piece of Christmas in my home.



  1. looks gorgeous!! I love the Willow nativity set!

  2. Hello! Saw you on SITS and started following because I. LOVE. PINTEREST! I just started a new blog and I'm incorporating a lot of my Pinterest adaptions. Great ideas!

    Shauna @

  3. I love your mesh wreath, it looks fantastic! The tree centerpiece is fun, too. Merry Christmas!

  4. I stopped by from Eye heart blog. I love your Christmas tour. How can you say it's not much, it's so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

    Happy New Year. Hugs from S-LOVE-nia, Keti


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