Sunday, December 2, 2012

Christmas Centerpiece

*Warning: This is a bit lengthy but worth it!

We all know I have downsized for a year so making more crafts to decorate my home is really not what I should be doing. Did I mention our storage unit is ready to bust at the seams. But, I just couldn't help myself. Darn Hobby Lobby!

I went and bought some Styrofoam cones and dug out what I had...

We have our Styrofoam cones, ribbon, flowers, assortment of picks, yarn, pearls, and snow flakes.

Let's get started on our first cone. I just pulled the tops of the poinsettias off the stems and hot glued them into the Styrofoam. (BE CAREFUL HOW MUCH HOT GLUE YOU STICK ON STYROFOAM IT DOES MELT...AND BURNS THE CRAP OUT OF YOUR FINGERS)

I added a pretty silver and white bow to the top and waa laa!!! Tree # 1....done!

Tree #2...I used some sparkly picks, cut the stems shorter and just shoved them little suckers in the Styrofoam.

And, here ya have it...Tree #2! 

Now tree #3 was a bit of a mess. I sprayed adhesive on it, opened up a bag of snow confetti and sprinkled a way. Needless to say I have it everywhere. Then I pulled out some snow tinsel if that's what you call it. I used my hot glue gun and just glued a few little bunches all around the tree.

Added this cute little pick glitter ball to the top and a string of ribbon and pearls and this is what you have...

Tree # 4...I just took some fuzzy yarn and SPARINGLY glued it around the tree.

I glued some pearls and added some holly to the top. 

Dig out your ribbon for Tree #5. I used a couple different colors and designs and glued the around the tree. I put the glue on themribbon and held it on the Styrofoam tree and all I have so say is, "Ouch"! 

I just added a bow to the top and now we have a cute little ribbon tree to our collection.

Now I need a mini tree skirt. I have some quilted fabric, stitch witchery and my iron.

I made my template from a piece of my art paper and a round place mat. I made my pattern bigger then the mat but it worked perfectly.

Now to use it on my fabric and cut out my perfect circle.

I had some fuzzy yarn left and I just used my stitch witchery to attach it to the quilted fabric.

Ironed it...

And, I have a cute mini tree skirt...

My little Styrofoam trees fit perfectly...Don't you think???

If I can do this so can you...Now go get some styrofoam trees and get "Crazy"!

Again, sorry for the long post but I did tell you it would be worth it!!!

This is where I'm linking up this week...PARTY



  1. These are soooo beautiful! Great job! Hope you link these up to our Countdown to Christmas link party! Happy weekend! :)

  2. Love your trees. They are all so cute and totally different. The little tree skirt is sweet. They would make great placemats.....I am your newest follower...Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Linda! Thanks for visiting and your lovely comment. Placements is a great idea!! I'm happy we are not bloggy friends.

  3. Cute idea! Thank you for linking it up to our 12 Days of Christmas {Goodies} link-up!

  4. Great idea! At my blog this week I have several DIY Christmas tutorials.

    Found your blog through the blog hop!

    I'm your newest follower!


  5. Tree 2 is my favorite. So sparkly!

  6. These turned out just wonderful! I would love to do a craft party where everyone made a tree like this to take home! The possibilities are endless!

  7. Wow!!! Great idea for Christmas, and great work. Many thanks for sharing and enjoy your Christmas time.......

  8. Excellent trees. I love all the different textures you have used! Good Job!! Cheers.

  9. How fun are these! Love your tutorial!

  10. Great tutorial. Beautifully done.
    Thanks for sharing at the Adorned From Above Blog Hop.
    Adorned From Above,
    The Busy Bee's,
    Myrna and Joye.

  11. they all look so fun, but the white is my favorite!

  12. have really been busy! It DID pay off in the end!!! I know that had to have been a LOT of work, but you got some really terrific trees out of it! Great job! I'm visiting from Kathe With An E's blog hop.

  13. Beautiful! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home and have a Merry Christmas!

  14. You did an AMAZING job!!!! What a fabulous centerpiece and thanks for sharing over at Junkin Joe!!! We are starting the party early this week and hope to see you there : ) hugs...

  15. Ohhhh, the white one is my favorite!! thank you so much for linking up to our party!!

  16. Thanks for linking up at A Crafty Christmas! Lisa from Before Meets After

  17. Very festive! Cone trees are all the rage :)

    Thank you for partying with the Wildly Original Crowd.
    <3 Christina at I Gotta Create!

  18. They all look great together. I especially love the fuzzy yarn!

    Just a wanted to let you know our Silhouette Cameo Giveaway ends tonight, if you haven't entered yet (or if you wanna get more entries! :) Have a great weekend!

  19. Love your trees. I made one with tinsel but hadn't thought of using the little poinsettias that I still have in the bag. Beautiful centerpiece!

  20. What a great job! You're very crafty and that was a great creation! Allow me to add this to my Christmas table decorations board in Pinterest. Cheers!


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