Monday, January 23, 2012

Hair over the years!!!

I was doing a perm last week and I began to laugh!! Customer must have thought I was 'crazy'..
(I do laugh randomly)

It got me to thinking about the last time I had a perm and let me tell you this is why I DON'T!!
(Can't believe I'm going to share this photo)

The year was 1986, I was 20 yrs old and I obviously had really crappy friends that couldn't tell me that my hair looked like $^&(...LOL
Not sure what I was even thinking!!
Just think I am a hair dresser and I use to send people out the door with hair like this...LMAO

Oh how hair has changed over the years..especially mine...Let's take look at my hair styles over the years!!!

This is where it all began in 1966..

(Rock'n the faux hawk)

In 1969 I was sporting the "Pixie"!! and thinking I was Hollywood ;-)

In 1973 it was the "Pageboy"...
You were lucky if you where not a victim of this hair-do!!!

And, all the cute bows that everyone is wearing in there hair...WELL, I've been doing that since 1980..
(Good Lord, that's awful)

You think that was doesn't get any better...

WELCOME to the 80's....

The year is 1982...the beginning of the big hair and "Frost"...

I was 16 and just started beauty school...
This is where the hair styles really go crazy...

1984 it was the "Mullet and red hair...WHAT WAS I THINKING???

(senior pic)

By 1986 the hair was darker and definitely BIGGER...It was the feathered big hair look...

How about some BIG bright yellow jewelry and pumps!!
Hey I was styling back in the day ;-)

By 1988 I was over the dark hair...Bring in the BIG blonde hair...

Nice shades, huh???

That is not blonde enough...I'm thinking platinum, bigger hair...

In 1992 that's what I got...Farrah had nothing on

(my 26th B-day)

1993 I went even blonder...

Look at them dark roots...

By 1998 I grew my hair out to my normal color and cut that dried broken hair off...

Yikes!! It was still really big on the top...

Then in 1999 it was time for the 'Shag'...and looks like I'm back at coloring my hair...

Added some highlights around my face...

Now for the Gosh Awful "Bob" haircut in 2000...

By the end of 2000 I was wearing the "Jennifer Aniston" hair-do...

Ruh Roh....
In 2001 I went all blonde again...

2002 I just walked around with the classic "Ponytails"...

It was time to grow my hair out and leave the 80's and 90's where they the past!!

In 2004 I was going for the curly look...

(I must like this dress...look above in 2002 and I think I still have it...LOL)

2011 I just wear my hair long and straight with a "Bump" and side swept fringe (bangs)...

It's been a colorful year...

Oh so many styles over the years!!!

But, I'd like to think I've come A LONG way...



  1. Great post, Denyse! It's amazing how dramatically a hair style affects the way a person looks.
    A young friend (twenty + years my junior) came over one day, and she was looking at my wedding picture. (I really liked that picture: I was 21, tanned and toned, with lovely blonde hair...)
    My friend started to laugh when she saw it, and said "Wow, look at the big '80's do on you!"
    Needless to say, I'm not so proud of that picture any more!
    ~ Wendi ~

  2. LOL -- This really made me laugh! As a former hairdresser I too have had it all! At least you can say you're not one of those people who are stuck in a rut . . . you know, the ones who have the same hairstyle as they did in Jr. High??! Thanks for sharing your adventures in hair!

  3. Oh, did I enjoy this post! I'm with you on the changing hairstyles - it cracks me up how at how many pictures I have with different styles. And WOW! - those glasses from back in the day. Gotta love 'em - except when your best friend posts one of those on your Facebook page, like mine did. Thanks for being brave enough to share. I enjoyed the stroll down memory lane. :)

  4. Thanks, Everyone!! I laughed my butt off writing this post...It's a good thing we get better with age...LOL

  5. How fun to look back at all your hairstyles! I'm kinda going through a "bad hair phase" right now. It's a cute cut, it just isn't me. I accidentally cut off a HUGE chunk of hair while I was cutting my toddler's hair. Now I have a VERY short a-line stack that kinda spikes in the back. I've gotten lots of compliments,'ll grow out! :)


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