Monday, November 14, 2011

What a Week!!!

I put that "What a Week" in the nicest way possible because it was a )(&^*%^ kind of week...

I was doing really good with my 30 day challenge and before you know it life goes in a tailspin and don't know which way to turn...

What do you do when you come upon one tragedy after another...It's hard to think of anything to be "Thankful" for...But, as hard as it is to think about a thankful thing about a tragedy I've tried my best this past week...

Oh where to begin????

This is me & my sister Tina...I don't see her very often because I live in NC and she lives in PA...

Monday night she had a TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack) which in non medical terms "Mini-Stroke"...She is only 42 yrs old and has been having some health issues...earlier this year she was diagnosed with Mitochondrial Myopathy which is a Muscular Dystrophy Disease...

I am "Thankful" that she only had a mini-stroke which is a warning...I'm hoping that she will take better care of herself so we can have her around for many more years...

It's times like these I wish I still lived in Pa to be close to my family...

Nahhh...Too cold!! I have to add some humor :)

Now to meet my cousin Matthew and my Uncle Ron...

Tuesday night they were life flighted from Erie Pa to Pitts Pa due to carbon monoxide poisening...Placed on life support...Matthew only 14 yrs old passed away Thursday Evening and the Lord took My Uncle 66 yrs old on Friday Evening...

Where do you find any "Thanks" in this someone might ask...As hard as it is we are "Thankful" that Matthews legacy will be carried on through organ donation...Someone is going to get his eyes, heart, liver and kidneys...And, Matthew is not alone in Heaven he has his dad (my uncle) side by side with him as they were in life!!!

What a stressful week...Now on to the weekend...

This is Me & The Hubby...We are off to a birthday party for a friend...

Don't we look nice????

Later that night I ended up with an allergic reaction and a trip to the ER on oxygen an IV's...

I'm going to try and explain this the best I can...and try to make it quick at the same time...

And YES!! It is OK if you LAUGH!!!

I wasn't in no mood to really PARTEEE after such an emotional week but I knew I had to get out of the house and I was already committed to attending the party...So off we went!!!

We really did have a good time...See...


Do you know what happens when you think you are a teen and get silly at the end of an evening...even if you did only drink 4 wine coolers???

Note to self: Grabbing a balloon and inhaling the helium so you can sing "We are the lollypop gang" was NOT a good idea!!!

I ended up with lips like this...

Not to mention my throat was closing...It was awful gasping for air and very scary...

The Verdict:

Well atleast I know if I want to have fuller lips I will just rub them with a balloon...haha (Kidding)

I have to find humor in something...

I am "Thankful" that I had people to take care of me and get me the quick attention I needed...

Well this sums up my week...I sure hope yours was WAY better then mine...

But, Remember....


  1. it was beautifully written and the humor as a great touch. stay clear of condoms also

  2. LOL...Good thing I'm married and don't have to worry about that ;-)

  3. i'm so sorry for your loss, that is so sad.

    glad you are doing better, i'm allergic to latex too. but i didn't develop it until i had kids. i have a tape allergy too. weird, but it's only with the tape they use at hospitals to keep your i.v. in. next time you go to the dentist tell them about your allergy or you'll end up in the hospital again!

  4. i hope you smiled,so many things run in the family. the abused dog commercials or any thing sad does the same to me. tina is in my prayers also, i was exhausted last night and was only able to read your one post, i will take some time and study you to catch up on all that i can. i love you and wish and pray for you and everyone. god is a good due and he is always listening.

  5. You have experienced a *&%$# week.

    There is something to be said about maintaining a sense of humor. At the same time, your body and your soul need to fully experience and process all you have gone through. If you don't allow this to happen, it surfaces in other ways. I've learned this through my own hard experiences. People marveled at how well I was managing... but then....

    Still, I am thankful for the gift of humor. It has seen me through so many dark valleys!

    This morning I am thankful for the opportunity to have a QUICK breakfast with Grand #2 and #4 Daughter before school.

    I am thankful for the gifts that await me during this new day. I pray that I will be "present" to receive at least some!

    Today, may you have moments of quiet. May you be willing to sit with all you have experienced in brief periods. May the Source of all Life fill you heart and your soul with healing and peace.

  6. So sorry to hear about your week...especially about your uncle and cousin. So very sad.
    I am glad that you tried to get out, lift your spirits a bit but feel bad it backfired on you! The Lisa "Lips" picture was a great touch...made me smile!

  7. said it...shit of a week!!! So sorry to hear about your family and your tragic losses...just cannot imagine. Sure to understand the allergic reactions and the trip to the ER...not fun at all and I've also had Lisa's big lips on several Sounds like today was frustrating at haveta call me soon...until then {hugs} Roberta


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