Thursday, November 24, 2011

I Am Thankful For...

Thanksgiving is a time for us to forget all the frustration and disappointments in our world… It is our time to think of family and loved ones….It is a time to reflect on the things we are thankful for…Thanksgiving is a good time to reflect on how lucky we are to have what we have in our lives…

I am having a really bad year and it has been hard to reflect on the positive things in my live…I do try though!!! When things are rough, we tend to dwell on the entire negative and less on the positive…But, No matter how good or bad you think life is…wake up each day and be thankful for life…Someone somewhere else is fighting to survive!!!

So, for today I am going to focus on the things…

My Husband: I am thankful for a supportive…loving and handsome husband who I can always count on to be there for me…Good times or bad!!!

My Kids: I am thankful for the joy and laughter they bring to my life…They are amazing and make my life complete!!!
My Parents: I am thankful I have two wonderful parents that have provided me with a wonderful home… and guidance throughout life… They taught me to be a strong independent person and to be thankful for what I have…

 My Girlfriends: I am thankful for the friends in my life who continue to inspire me daily… I love that I am able to have get-togethers and laugh with them until our tummies hurt or someone passes out…LOL

I couldn't have said it better...LOL!!!!!

Beautiful weather: Our weather has been gorgeous here in NC with warm weather and beautiful luminous leaves…I am thankful we will continue to have amazing weather for the Thanksgiving weekend…

How can you not love the Carolina blue sky???

My Home: I am thankful to have a home that is filled with love & memories…I strive to make my home a warm place to come home to and provide a loving environment for all the family & friends that enter…

My Blogging Family:  I am also thankful for my blogging family…Blogging has brought me great joy and I have met so many wonderful people...
(even if it is virtually)
I owe a “Big Thanks” to a very dear friend who got me started…
Thanks, Roberta!!!

And of course, I am thankful for the turkey I will be eating this weekend!!! 
Gobble Gobble!!!

HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO all my LOVED ones, my friends, and their families!!! This Thanksgiving give thanks to those you hold close to your heart and remember those that are no longer with us…And, as you sit at the table this Thanksgiving remember to give thanks to the United States Military, with a special thanks to their families!!!

Many Blessings to All!!!


  1. Ahh...Happy Thanksgiving Sweetie! So glad that you are having a wonderful day with you family in sunny that blue sky ;} Much better than the grey ones in I remember that day at PF Chang' have to send me the original that one of us...even though I look like a deer in headlights ;} Can't wait to see you guys again...hopefully for xmas! xoxox Roberta

  2. I loved this post. Happy Thanksgiving :)

  3. It's so nice to see just how much you have to be thankful for, even during tough times. Would you link this to my Link Party Giving Gratitude?

    Meredith From A Mother Seeking Come find me on my blog, A Mother Seeking...


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