Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Keeping it Real Around here...

LIFE....it's always so complicated and full of ups and downs...

I'm just real about it and don't sugarcoat anything...I go through life with problems like everyone else...I'm just not holding it in...

It's just how we look at those problems...issues...trial and tribulations...


(Beware: This post can get Bitchy crabby...)

I am 45...and had a hysterectomy at 25...That's right I'm talking rip all my shit female parts right out of my body... no plumbing...no play pen...nadda nothing...ALL of it!!!

That's right take them eggs as well why would I need them...HORMONES maybe...
I guess they didn't think so...Ruuuude....

The positive...NO MORE monthly visitor...Aunt Mary...Time of the Month...Period...Menstrual Cycle...Bloody Catastrophe...Code Red...Aunt Flow...OMG - OMP (On My Period)...
Tom (time of month) is here...

Whatever you call it I was not having one anymore...It was A.W.E.S.O.M.E....

At 25 that is...at 45 not so much...Symptoms: Hormone Imbalance

Lack of Estrogen..
  • Poor Sleep (Ambien)
  • Dry Skin (Lots of itching and lotion)
  • Mood Swings (Call me bi-polar or Cybil)
  • Overly Emotional (Hand me a box of tissues)
  • Memory Loss (That might be age..LOL)
  • Night Sweats (Turn the air up)
  • Vaginal Dryness (Vagisil)
  • Anxiety (Ativan and Busphar)
  • Headaches (Hydrocodone)
  • Painful Intercourse (Ahh Boo)
  • Depression (Celexa)
(I know I missed a few)

Lack of Testosterone:
  • Decreased Sex Drive (Poor Hubby)
  • Tiredness (Exhaustion)
  • Muscle and Joint Pain (Hurts to move some days)
  • Insomnia (Ambien or Lunesta)
  • Decreased Exercise Tolerance (Where's my bed and remote control)

This is how I feel most days...


HELP... is on it's way... I have decided to do something about it...and I'm not taking anymore meds...that seems to always be the answer when I go to the Dr's... NO!! Prozac...Zoloft...Celexa....Ativan...Ambien....is not the answer...
(I think they make me feel worse some days)

I am going to have Hormone Replacement Therapy and it's a Natural Hormone Replacement...not synthetic like Premarin...Prempro...or Provera...

First treatment was today and I can literally  say..."I have a pain in my ASS"
 (They insert the hormone pellets in your butt cheek)
And...don't forget that B12 shot right next to it...

I will spare all of you a photo of my rear-end....LOL

I will keep you all updated and hopefully for the $$$$$$$$$$ I will feel like a teen again...;-)



  1. It's funny...I didn't see your post before I emailed you and commented on how all doctors think we are just nuts!!! I was surprised before when you told me that you were not on hormones because my family members who had partial and/or full hysterectomies ALL had to take hormones from the time they had surgery. So tired of hormones...can't wait to see how it works for you ;)

  2. You are a hoot...and yes you are keeping it real. We are the same age so I feel the hormone thing going on these days. Thanks for visiting my site and joining on. I look forward to seeing you again. Oh and please turn off word verification...you don't need it, and let me tell you it is the REAL pain in the butt.

  3. I too am 45 yrs old and going through menopause. I am on meds so I don't rip someone's head off. Between hot flashes and the heat wave this summer I should have sweat off at least some weight(no luck). I unlike you have the period from hell. I just had spotting for 3wks stopped for 1wk and now I can't leave the house for fear of flooding and I'm not talking outside. My only hope is that some day it will be over. Good luck to you with your new therapy.


  4. I'm looking forward to hearing how the hormone replacement works for you. I'm a 29 y/o cancer survivor...and although my lady parts are still intact (massive amount of cancer found in my lymphnodes so they left everything else) I'm going through menopause due to chemo/radiation. Its only been 2 years but am experiencing everything you commented on...and have been using some cream hormone crap for the last few weeks.
    Anywho...I just came across your blog through someone else's blog that I can't remember now LOL

  5. Thanks everyone for the kind words...I know I'm not alone in this and I'm happy that I can share my story and maybe give hope to someone else...Update coming soon!!


I read and appreciate every comment... I will ALWAYS answer questions and do my best to reply to every comment...but make sure your email is enabled on your profile (without your e-mail I can't "Thank-You" for your kind words...Thanks for visiting :-)