Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I got a make-over....

As you can see I got a MAKE-OVER...woot woot doing a happy dance and I can only credit one person and that is Jenn @

My expectations have been exceeded and I can't say enough about what a fantastic job she did...And was quick and efficient...When she said she was going to do something she did...YES!! I'm singing her praises and NO she didn't ask me to and Yes I "CRAZY" love it...
Well I'm going to take me and my smile and "Thank-God" for the wonderful people I have met in cyberland...It makes it all worth what I do!!!
(If you need a GREAT Blog Designer...PPPSSTTTTT...I know where you can find one)
Thanks again, Jenn!!!
I would love to here what everyone thinks...truth please (just take it easy on me it's been a long


  1. Love the new look!

    - Alana (

  2. Love how clean it looks and all the details with the coordinating labels. Are you still on blogger? It's hard to tell...cause it loads so much faster...yeah! The only thing that I don't think is the double title in your banner. You could do away with the second tag line: "it's a crazy life but a beautiful one". You blog title already says that...that might be an okay opener for your "about" label but you really don't need it here. Just a thought...cause you said to be honest. I'm curious as to the cost...cause I'm still waiting on my new

  3. Denyse I love the new look! I have been thinking about having a designer fix up my blog a bit. Thanks for the referral, I love it!!


I read and appreciate every comment... I will ALWAYS answer questions and do my best to reply to every comment...but make sure your email is enabled on your profile (without your e-mail I can't "Thank-You" for your kind words...Thanks for visiting :-)