Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Flower Power...

Not what you think...REALLY it's don't believe me??? Here take a look....

Now don't be GASPINGGGG!!! It does belong to me...No seriously it does...Ok!! You can gasp if you want...I know..WHAT was I thinking???  LOOK at all them FLOWERS....Well the year was 2000...Yep that furniture is 11 yrs old and has always been in a formal living room or sitting room...There is a lot to be said about the quality of furniture....(or maybe no one was allowed to sit on it...~snickering~) I'm sure my daughter will chime in...

You want to see it up close don't you???

This furniture has been through quite a bit of moves since 2000...Here's it's first home for 5 yrs...

Floral and Oak that is a classic "Victorian" early 2000's style...Yikes!! And what's funny is looking at this photo I still have every single thing in that room...Oh good grief!! ~bowing my head in shame~ (Big Sigh)

Now where was I?? Oh yeah!! So in 2005 we (me & my furniture that is) traveled from Erie, Pa to Fort Mill, SC and set up shop in my cute lil condo...It was perfect for just me!!!

Now here comes the CRAZINESS!!! I met my husband and moved in with him that the math 6 MONTHS...

In 2007 we moved to the northside of Charlotte and bought our house...and I set up a sitting room...

In 2010 we sold our home (long...loonngggg...llloooonnngggg...story) anyways we moved into a townhome...

And in December 2010 my husband took a job in Maryland...Are you laughing yet or crying...cause I was doing now here we are in Maryland...

No matter how you look at's all the & more flowers....Oh I left part of this journey out...there were 2 more moves in there....(OK...all I can do is laugh) and NO my hubby is not military (he was but not since 1999)

Want an even BETTER LAUGH!!!
WE ARE MOVING AGAIN...back to NC ...

Where the heck was I going with this story??? Oh I know my "Flower Power" furniture...I'm ready for a change but I can't afford really good quality furniture at this time...(you know with my 8th move in 6 yrs) Ok...Now I'm Crying and yes I invite you to cry with me...

Happy thoughts!!! Since I can't afford new furniture and mine is in such good condition I was thinking of getting it covered...Getting it reupholstered is going to be wayyyy too expensive...and "no' I would never attempt that one on my own (and I've done some crazy things) dyed my carpet one time (another story and one word DISASTER)...So I was thinking slipcovers (when I think slipcovers I think how my mom covered furniture with sheets...Holy Moly)...and this is what else comes to mind "stretch pants" for the couch...

I can't even describe how that makes me hand me my anxiety medicine...that is awful...well maybe not awful but I just can't do it...

So I was looking around..there has to be a way to cover my furniture without breaking the bank and making it look like it wasn't covered in "spandex"...Look what I found...

It's perfect!!!...Don't you just love Pottery Barn...and for the low low price of $1698.00 + shipping I can have a new look..One word "CRAZY"....(I guess we are staying with flower power for a while longer)



  1. OMG...I'm crackin' up over the "stretch pants" comment...cause ya know it's so true!!! Have you thought about getting a pattern from the fabric store and trying to make your own fitted covers like? Alot of bloggers use drop clothes and make their own. One blogger, Susan from Between Naps on the Porch (I think ;) actually had made covers and then her DH dumped an entire paint can while on the ladder. He was trying to surprise/help her out and didn't move the furniture out of the way...oh boy! She got most of it out of the carpet but her drop cloth covers remained

  2. Those couches are an asset to our family.. well more of an antique should I say. They have been through allll kinds of stuff. Notice how nice and "white" they still are.. or "cream". Because exactly what she said.. they remained in a formal living room for all the "formal" guests she had over.. bahahahahahaha!

  3. I've been drooling over Pottery Barn couches for years...but until one shows up on Craigslist or Goodwill it will be only a dream. Maybe you'll find a good replacement there as well? Maybe they will even trade ya. ;)


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