Sunday, April 3, 2011

Dusty Distraction...

As I am about to go through some crazy life changes...I was sitting at my desk making notes and figuring out how I wanted to share all those changes....UNTIL I looked down at my keyboard on my laptop and thought "What the heck"...I have an air duster why does it look so dusting down there...(OK...haven't used the air duster in a while)...But, still!!!

So, I popped off a key and kept popping off keys and this is what is lurking in your keyboard...

I'm not going to give you the details of what I think it all is...but here take a CLOSER look...(I have allergies...I wonder if this is the reason my eyes itch all the time)....OK maybe NOT!!!
Well, If you are like me you can't start something and not finish it (easily distracted) and I was not going to be happy with just blowing the dust and yuck out of there so it can fly all over my desk (how's that for a run-on sentence)...haha

Instead of trying to figure out where all the keys actually go...I just popped off 1 (one) row at at time...if you are going to do this...BE VERY CAREFUL!!!! Those keys are hooked into little plastic clips...and I don't know if you can afford a new laptop but I know I can't...

I have a little eyeglass kit in my desk drawer and the itty bitty screw driver worked great helping me pop all those keys out...

All I used to clean out my laptop was Q-tips, water and vinegar (I use water and vinegar for everything)...I have a spray bottle already mixed (and NO I didn't squirt the mixture onto the keyboard) LOL...I just squirted some of the mixture on a little tray and rolled my Q-tip around...SQUEEZED off excess water and started wiping away...
I just couldn't believe a laptop can get so dirty...NO EATING ALLOWED around it...mmmmm maybe a few snacks ~wink wink~...(After the "It's gonna be gross") I'll spare you the dirty Q-tip photos ;-)

Moving along!!!!

After every row was complete I wiped the keys off and popped them back on...13 Q-tips and 2 hours later I have a nice clean, shiney keyboard!!! (Not what I had planned today but "Crazy Life" happens)...



  1. Man oh man, I don't have the patience to do that! I would probably buy a new laptop or key board before I took each key off. Phew! Newest follower from the UBP. Hope you can stop by my blog and follow back. Have a great week!

  2. Half-way through I had no patience either...LOL

  3. I love this post - oh yes, it happens! Thanks for your kind words on my site and I look forward to following more of your posts too. Best, Kristin

  4. I just went through this in the past week. Keys on my keyboard were not working. I finally ran water all through it and left it to dry, substituting another non-ergometric keyboard. I am ready to plug it back in and see if it works. If it doesn't I am going to have to get another.....rats!

  5. One question...what are you avoiding? lol...the only way I'd start this is if I had to go give blood or anything doctor related ;) I can just imagine what's in my eepc since it is always on my lap...yucko! btw...DH ordered the Zip-It drain cleaner thingy...I won't show him this post cause then he'll want to clean my keyboard and I hate to give it up for that long...

  6. Wow! You did a great job cleaning your key board. I won't even start coz I can't get it done. Everytime I start something then baby wakes up from a nap haha. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Now following you back. :)

  7. I have two little kids, so I get distracted all.the.time. I don't think I have enough patience to do that though.
    I found you through UBP11.

  8. It did take up 2 hours of my life and once you read what's going on in my crazy life (Moving again) you will be really wondering where I had the time to tear my keyboard apart...LOL

    Must have been in a zone ;-)


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