Tuesday, March 1, 2011

One Journal at a Time...

We all know I have an obsession with journals…I just can’t seem to go to a store and not buy one especially when they are on sale…Seeing how as I barely have time to blog...Writing in a journal is definitely out…Bet you are wondering what I do with all the journals I buy??? Ha!! Me too ;-)
Since I have decided to re-decorate and organize my home those journals have become very useful…I just needed to grab a journal…some post-it tabs I had laying around and my label maker…We are in business…

I have made an “Ideas Book”…I look my post-it tabs and label maker and made tabs for every area of my home…
I take any ideas I see online or in a magazine and cut them out and tape it in my "Ideas Book" for the desired room...Now when it's time for me to re-do a room I just grab my "Ideas Book" and get to work...Sounds easier than I'm sure it will be...Here's a couple ideas I really like that I found on one of my blogs...Delightful Order that I saved and taped in the "storage" section of my book...

Now on to journal #2...I love "Before & After" photos...It's always nice to actually see progress when you do something...or when you take an idea you saw and made it your own....
I will have an idea to do something but not sure EXACTLY what that idea is (brain fog)...I knew I wanted  some color in an empty space on a shelf in my office and I wanted some flowers...but the space was not that big so a vase wouldn't really work...So, my fingers did the walking as I once again went online to find some ideas...Well!!! Remember my bouquet of Green & Purple flowers in the little bowl vase...the lightbulb went on when I saw the idea at Life's Sweeter with Chocolate ... Here's the before & after...

Now I just need a "Dream" book...for all the wonderful things I WOULD love to HAVE!!! Well it didn't take me long to get one...I went to staples today to get some tape for my label maker and I was heading to the register with blinders on but one must of had a hole because they had some journals for $3...how could I say "NO"...Hahaha...I didn't!!

It wasn't what I was really looking for but for $3 I made it work...Good thing for label makers and brightly colored tape...Now it works...I love my "Dream" book...
Now to put all the things I dream about having for my home... I would love this silkscreen mirror for my office...A mirror always makes a room look bigger and the silkscreen bookshelves and books are just too cute....A girl can "DREAM" can't she???



  1. Oh boy...don't even get me started on journals and blank books...I have a serious addiction! AND like you I have a stash of them just waiting for a purpose and to be put into use...lol AND yes...everytime I go into Barnes & Noble I check out the journal section...as well as the sale section for even more...arrgghhhh I've always treated my memory albums as blank books and art journals as well and I have an entire bookcase dedicated to preserving them. I have one "Dream" album that I started over 10 years ago and alls we did (I ran a workshop for a group of dreamers ;) was make "bucket" lists and then put these lists inside albums and as we've accomplished those things over the years...we have gone back and added photos and journaling...it's fun to go back and see all that you've accomplished...especially when you write it down ;) Now I need to go back and edit/add to my bucket list cause so much as changed in the past two years...ykes! For magazine clippings...I use magnetic photo albums to stash all those inspirational photos and articles. I posted about it here: http://con-tain-it.typepad.com/my_weblog/2009/10/wednesdays-workbook-inspiration-storage.html#tp
    I also use them for recipes. It's good to know that us journal geeks are not alone...lol

  2. Oh yeah...forgot I wanted to tell you about this as well ;) For an on-line journal for decorating ideas...I just love Houzz...you can create your own ideabooks and I've gotten several going at the moment. Try it...you'll like it...lol

  3. Darn you, Roberta!! Now you have me sidetracked AGAIN!!! ;-)

  4. ohhhhhhhhhh I'm not alone! I swear I love, love, love journals! Thanks for the sharing :)

  5. Yes Yes Yes!!! They are addicting...I can never pass up a cute journal ;-)


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