Sunday, February 27, 2011

Need a Break...

This lil lady is out of's been one heck of a week...I did try to keep up with my blog world but the last couple of days just kicked my butt...I take online classes and the brainiac I think I am decided to take 3 classes this semester...Oh!! and next semester ~Crying~....

WELLLLL...this week I had 5 Discussion Boards...13 Responses...2 Quizzes...10 Chapters to read...1 Case Study and 2 Papers due...all by tonight (Sunday evening)...But, I did it...mmm not really!! Close though...One more discussion board to go!!

But, for now I....


1 comment:

  1. Wow...sounds like you had your butt kicked...go sit awhile and just DO Nothing! Pour yourself a nice cup of tea and don't forget to breath ;) Hope this week is calmer. Fondly, R


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