Thursday, February 3, 2011


The beginning of my journey...Like most of you I lead a very busy, hectic life...I am non-stop from the time I wake-up until I go to bed....I am finishing my Bachelor's Degree and studying for my HR Certification on top  of it all...makes my brain hurt...LOL!! This is why I decided to start this blog...I set myself on a 365 day photo challenge and I enjoyed doing it so much (even if it's only been 3 days..hehe) I wanted to share my crazy journey with anyone who wanted to come along and ride that winding road with me...I won't bore you with a lot of talk unless you want to know something...I know I don't like to read a lot (I do that enough with school)...besides it's always more fun to look at life through pictures!!!

Well let's get going...


  1. You are such a beautiful mother, inside and out.

  2. You inspire me. I am so lucky to call you my friend!

  3. I'm the lucky one...Love you Care Bear!!! Thanks for being apart of my life!!!

  4. Love this first collage and you really should make this your "about page" so that everyone can know what you blog is all about. I've seen many bloggers start the 365 Project and it's a big task but a great way to document the ordinary in everyday that makes us what we are all about. A great blogger to follow is Ali Edwards...she does the 365 project every year and she had two small kids...and she's a full-time digitial graphic scrapbook designer....that makes me tired just typing I'm your latest and greates follower...also have loaded you in my google reader ;)

  5. Thanks, Roberta!! You are a not so bad a blogger yourself ;-)I'm trying to find my away around this in my "spare" time...LOL I appreciate all your tips!!



I read and appreciate every comment... I will ALWAYS answer questions and do my best to reply to every comment...but make sure your email is enabled on your profile (without your e-mail I can't "Thank-You" for your kind words...Thanks for visiting :-)