Monday, February 14, 2011


My favorite thing to have I could have fresh flowers on my table everyday I would...they are soft and delicate and refreshing...if there was only a way to make them last for weeks...I should actually try and preserve them...might have to learn how to do that...especially my absolute favorite...the STARGAZER lily...they smell wonderful..I'm smiling just thinking about them...LOL..

If you don't know what to get can be sure that flowers are the safe bet...I'm not picky ;)

Now planting flowers are a different story for me...Love ROSES and have no problem with them...Azaleas are another one of my favorite and can't grow them to save my life...and believe me I have tried and tried...I always end up with a dead plant..if I'm lucky I might get a dozen blooms on it...haha!! I am not known for a green thumb that's for sure..

I will have to get out this spring and take some photos of flowers all around me...If I can't grow them I can enjoy them through photos....Ohhhh!! I will  ALSO stick to flowers in a vase delivered to me...~wink wink~

 Flowers have their own language of love and thoughtfulness...Let me share some of that "LOVE"....



  1. Fresh flowers are the best...this time of year I buy tulips, crocus and hyacithns in little pots at the grocery store...yes Harris Teeter ;) Then I love to have hydrangeas and peonies in the summer. And in the winter it's orcids, amaryllis and sometimes poinsettas if I don't start my amaryllis bulbs early enough. Fresh Market has the best cut flowers...sorry Trader Joe's but they even beat you guys out! I've tried to grow roses and azaleas and I'm also not very good at them...tend to over or under water Outside this year, we are going to concentrate on growing more of our own veggies...WISH us

  2. We have a cute little garden are in our yard to plant flowers so if things go well I will be making my attempt to create...LOL

    Good thing I like to laugh at myself because this could be quite entertaining!!!


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